★ Chapter 3: Underground Findings ★

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A.N. First, I just wanna talk about the picture. You don't have to read this. I, personally, love it. Yes, I'm gonna rant about how great it is. Ghost Cole's ready for something (personally I think he's ready to flirt with Kai), Zane is an amazing nindroid, Nya be slaying, Lloyd looks like a mad teen, Kai doesn't feel happy by the looks of it and Jay is adorable. Jay is best boy. Anyway, let's dive into this chapter.

Chen has now taken Cole's earthy power, and his followers chucked Cole into the big area that Chen used to make his food for his restaurants.

 "You'll never get away with this!" Cole screamed.

 "Yeah, yeah." The guard rolls his eyes, "just make the food."

 Cole gasped. "Yo-you m-mean..?" He turns around to see the machines, "FOOD! Noodles, fortune cookies, and even more!"

 "Just one rule.." The guard starts, "No eating the merchandise." He smirks in an evil manner.

Cole is devastated. "You cruel, cruel people! This is to be eaten! I deserve it! You all are nasty. This is nasty."

 "Whatever." The guard remarks.

 Cole then turned to see Karlof. He was helping with cutting noodles, looking depressed. That's understandable, Karlof, I would be too.

 "Hey Karlof! What's up?" Cole said as he walked towards the guy who used to be metal.

 "Noodles. Just make noodle." Karlof replied.

 "Wowww. Amazing. How do I do it then?"


Cole saw a light coming from a cell, so he went to look what it was. He saw Zane! Wow, shocker. Never saw that coming. Anyway, he didn't only see Zane, he saw a stranger in the opposite corner. 

 "Zane? Who's that?" Cole asked, nodding his head in the direction of the stranger.

 "Hm? Oh, that's Brad. From Darkly's. As it turns out, he was also hit by the ageing tea a few years back. The same time Lloyd, too, was affected. He's asleep." Zane answered.

 Cole widened his eyes. He realised maybe there is a chance for Lloyd. That is if Brad has any attraction to males. He'll find out at one point if he gets to see him around Lloyd. His gaydar will come in handy.

 "I see, I'm getting you outta here buddy. And we'll bring Brad too. Lloyd misses him. Gotta keep the kids happy, ya know?" 

 "I suppose."

 "Where is Cole?" The leading guard asks.

 Cole appears behind Karlof, who just stood up from tying his non-existent shoelaces.

 "Right here! Not planning anything suspicious, not at all." Cole said.

 The guard just grunted, returned to the front and continued walking. Cole started to form a plan to get Zane, Brad and everyone else out of there. He was sure the other ninja could do what they could but he has to help from underneath. 

 "Karlof, I'm not just gonna be making noodles. I'm making trouble." Cole smirked.

 "Don't have Karlof take part. Karlof make noodles, not trouble. You are gonna get caught." Karlof said gruffly.

 "Alright, Karlof. Just know I'm gonna get everyone out of here, one way or another."


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