★ Chapter 2: THE BIG FIGHT! ★

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The cage doors on both sides rise. Chen started before they fought, "Let the tournament continue! Jay, Master of Lightning vs Cole, Master of-"  The two were at each others throats before Chen could finish. Both looked mad and sad. You could hear someone yell: "OH IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!" People just looked at the person who yelled that with a look saying, 'Shut up. Just be quiet'. Cole had a solemn look on his face. He was about to fight his best friend. He didn't want that. But Jay was seething. He wasn't mad at Cole as much though. He was mad at himself for letting everything get out of hand, and at Chen who took advantage of the situation between him and Cole. 

Cole and Jay went at each other. Jay ready with his lightning and Cole ready to punch the ground. Jay threw a shock of lightning at Cole but he dodged it. You could hear Chen yell: "Oohh! CLOUSE, GO GET ME SOME POPCORN!" 

Cole punched the ground and it split apart in lots of different ways, like veins. After awhile in silence, grunts and groans, and some muttering from the audience, Cole started talking in a low voice. Only he and Jay could hear him but the audience could see they were talking. 

 "Look, Jay, I don't want to fight. I don't know if you want to listen to this, but I'm going to say it anyway. Still shoot at me, just make it believable ." He paused and sighed deeply, "I'm sorry. To be honest, I don't think it'll be an easy. You're strong. Maybe even stronger than me. I'm sorry about the situation with Nya. Lately, I've noticed I don't even like Nya anymore. Like I've said before, but what I haven't told you is I like someone else. We'll talk about that another time but trust me when I say this. I just want my best friend back."

Jay looked at him surprised. "I accept your apology, but I think I should be the one saying sorry. I don't think that you're the least valuable ninja. I think we are all equal to be honest. I guess I was just upset." He shot another bolt towards Cole but he dodged it. Like they gotta make it real. "We should team up! We can go against Chen and win together!"

 Cole looked astonished. "Jay, you know we both can't win. But I suppose we can try!"

 •~~~~ WITH CHEN ~~~~• 

 "What are they saying? This is so boring!" Chen complained, then thought of something. "Send in the Condrai Crushers!" He said as he pressed a button. 


 "Oh, C'MON! REALLY?" Jay yelled in frustration.

 "We just gotta defeat them! Together." Cole said, gaining a nod from our best bluebelle.

They started dodging the attacks from the goons in the Crusher vehicles. Cole kicked one out and started driving into the other vehicle. No one gonna talk about the fact that they could drive at around 15 in the previous seasons before this? And also Nya? No? Okay.

Chen seemed upset with this and he really said 'No <3' and pressed buttons, which made bits of the ground disappear. Cole and Jay looked mad.

 "You take the Jade Blade! I'll try to find Zane!" Jay calls to his bestie.

 Cole nodded but he has a different plan. He got to the podium with the Jade Blade, picked it up and threw it to Jay. He caught it with a confused face as Cole jumped down.

 "Jay, Master Of Lightning wins!" Chen yells and turns to look at Cole, "Loser!" As he said that, he pressed a button, which caused Cole to fall. 

Jay looked glum, but he understood Cole's intentions. Cole clearly planned for Jay to stay in the game. He thought Jay was needed more than him in the tournament. Jay couldn't help but feel guilt.

A.N. 723 words. I did mention that it wouldn't have as many words but you know. I kinda cringed writing this. It's really bad and also it doesn't have the pizzazz I want but if I try to rewrite it, I'm gonna cry. It would probably be worse aswell so I'm not gonna bother. ANYWAY! The next chapter is a surprise because why not.

Edit: 31/07/2023

Hi again! Same thing this time, chapter name, speech, that's it. This time I accidentally got rid of a bit of speech from Jay and I couldn't remember exactly what I put so I just did what I could remember of it and it wasn't much so, sorry! Happy readings! Bye!

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