★ Chapter 11: The Complicated yet Simple Escape ★

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 "We are NOT seriously going to actually do that are we?!" Jay exclaimed.

 "It doesssn't ssssound that bad of an idea..." Skylor stated.

 "It was your idea, Jay." Cole informed.

 "I know that, COLE!" Jay screamed.

 "Quit it you two. We have to actually get on with it. They're expecting us. Or at least Brad is." Kai said.

 "Thank you, Kai. We have to get going." Skylor said.

 "Okay, so Zane, Kai, Cole, Jay and Skylor, you all shall go and get Lloyd and Brad." Wu decided, "Nya and the rest of you need to stay here to figure out what we're going to do about Chen and his followers."

 Everyone agreed and went their ways.



We all jumped down into the sewer system and Zane started scanning the area. He found the area Lloyd is trapped in and informed us. We all decided to keep quiet as Zane led the way to the big hole underground. The old Serpentine base when Pythor brought the four FangBlades to party. Suddenly, Zane put his hand out.

 "We're here." He whispered.

We all gathered around and looked down at all of the fake Anacondrai warriors walking about. The spell was wearing off but I fear that Chen's going to find a way to make it permanent. 

 "What's the plan?" I asked.

 "We go down there and ask for Lloyd. Simple." Zane said.

 "Yeah okay. So what then? I can't even see Lloyd and you know that they won't give him to us and we are outnumbered." I said.

 "Well," Zane said, pointing towards a little arch down there that looks to have a door. "Lloyd is down there in that room and Skylor, if you could text Brad saying we're here and to wait with Lloyd that'd be great."

 "Already done, I can see Brad heading there now." She said, pointing at a figure walking towards the room Lloyd is in.



Bun dun! Bun dun!

Oh a text from Skylor.

CopyingRedHead:                                                                     Me:

We're here. Get to Lloyd

K. I told father that pythor is at gregory fort prison btw. It should have bought u guys some time.

Nice work. Our plan will go into action when u get to Lloyd 


See u in a few mins then


I put my phone in my pocket and left my little area to get to Lloyd. He's not going to be happy to see me. Sorry Lloyd.


Brad entered the room and his guilty eyes met with Lloyd's annoyed ones. 

 "What is it now?" Lloyd asked, spite tracing along his words.

 "You'll see." Brad said, closing the door and seating himself on a spare chair.

 "What do you mean by that?" Lloyd asked, still annoyed.

Brad shushed Lloyd, listening. He chuckled a little. 

 "They're here." Brad sang, "I heard Kai asking for you."

 "What do you mean?" Lloyd questioned.

 "They're here to save you." Brad said, serious. After saying this, he stood and walked over to Lloyd. Lloyd looked startled, especially when Brad started to take off the Vengestone chains.

 "What..?" Lloyd was very confused now. "Why..?"

 "I told you, didn't I. Me betraying you was all a plan for Skylor and I to finally escape and find out background information." Brad just smiled sadly. "It wasn't pointless, you know? Now you can finally go." 

 "But what about you? You keep saying about me getting away and that Skylor and you wanted to escape but now it sounds like it doesn't matter to you anymore." Lloyd said.

 "Well, I just didn't think you would want to see me now after all this." Brad stated.

 "But I believe you now, don't I? It's alright, you just wanted to leave and you took care of all of the precautions." Lloyd smiled. Brad looked like he was about to cry.

Just then, the Ninja and Skylor burst through the door.

 "COME ON!!!! LET'S HURRY AND GO!!" Jay screamed as he fought off a Chen follower.

 Lloyd grabbed Brad's hand and they started running out of there. The Ninja and Skylor ran after them but Zane was in front to lead the way. He lead them out of there, fighting off the fake Anacondrai warriors on the way. Finally, they had made it out of the sewer system and everyone got on their dragons. Brad rode with Lloyd since he didn't actually have a dragon unlike everyone else. He was okay with it though, as he did still like Lloyd. Lloyd also enjoyed the company.

They rode all the way back to the Samuri X cave and everyone was glad to have Lloyd and Brad back but they still had to properly deal with Chen and his rip off Anacondrai warriors. Everyone was still happy though and Brad was particularly glad that Lloyd forgave him and understood why he did what he did in the end.

A.N. So how is everyone liking the story so far? It's kinda cringe but that's alright ig. I'm just gonna live in pain with this. However, I am having fun writing this and I was wondering how everyone would feel if I wrote a x reader fic for Ninjago. You guys can comment on the stars I'm going to put below. You can decide who and just to let you know, you can be siblings with one certain ninja if you don't pick him since it would be easier if I make him the brother than any other ninja but I shan't tell you who. It can be any gender reader, if you would like to pick when you say the ninja you want to be with in the x reader. So like, say you picked Nya, you could put: Nya x male reader (or female or gender neutral reader). You get what I mean. Sorry this explanation took so long. 977 words.


Edited: 01/08/2023

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