★ Chapter 4: The Hunt and the Plan ★

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She's hiding behind the wall where Clouse is about to find her.

"Hmm." Clouse hummed just before looking around the corner.

When he did, I kicked him in the jaw, and ran off. I ran through the followers and they just stood there, dumbstruck. 

As I was running, I could hear Clouse in the distance:

"What are you waiting for, you fools?! Get her!" Clouse was clearly mad.

I jumped into a wall and I could see Chen's followers coming after me, they were quite quick. I saw Clouse among them and he climbed the wall, chasing me. Clouse gives me pedophile vibes. Anyway, he tried grabbing my foot but I shook him away, and threw some tiles at him. This threw him off and I made a run for it, hopefully losing him. I made sure I still had the spell, which I did, and ran to the forest. They seemed to have left me alone, but that just made me worried.



Everyone was arguing and going at each others throats. To be honest, I couldn't give a damn. I couldn't stop thinking about Nya, Zane and... Cole. Hopefully Cole found Zane and I can only pray that Nya's alright. 

 "Let's go find the pilot. We need to talk." Lloyd said, only to be met with no one there. But, as if on cue, Chen showed up on the screen.

 "Hello, contestants! Today's task is a little different." Chen explained, as Nya showed up on the screen.

 "NYA!" I yelled.

 "You know that girl?" Skylor asked, in a jealous manner? Whatever.

 "That's my sister." I said, letting my worrying take over. I could see that Skylor was relieved, but I couldn't care about that right now. I know she likes me, of course she does! Everyone likes me, but I acted dumb because I don't care to be honest.

 "Anyway! Your task today is to find and catch this girl!" Chen continues. "There are eight parachutes for each of you."

 "But there is nine of us here!" Lloyd points out.

 "Oh? Garmadon's there? Oh well, I never really was good with math. Whatever, the floor will now start detaching! Grab a parachute and get the girl." Chen ordered.

 "We need to get to Nya first!" I said, with Lloyd, Jay and Garmadon nodding their heads in agreement.

As we were about to fall, Lloyd complained: "That guys love for trap doors is seriously getting on my nerves!" I couldn't help but giggle at his remark, but I, then, immediately focused on getting to Nya before all of the other contestants.


I ran around, frantically, looking for somewhere to hide. I left a fake trail for the people looking for me, but I made my Samuri X mark for my brother and the others. Only they would understand.


Everyone has made it down now, and are looking for Nya. This is horrible. They're gonna see, when they lose, that Chen is lying and he just wants their powers! Gosh, no one listens! My leg is absolutely killing me. Stupid picture of stupid Kai in his stupid room. Just had to land on me. 

I look up from my thoughts to see a mech and seconds later, Chen speaks through some speaker phones on trees.

 "Oh, by the way! I've left some 'treats' for you all. have fun~" Chen said.

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