★ Chapter 7: New plan ★

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"You'll never get away with this!" Kai determinedly yelled.

 "Oh, but I am." Chen cackled. "Kaput, Flip-Flop! Recite the spell!"

 "Shouldn't Clouse be doing it?" Chope questioned.

 "Yes, well Clouse isn't here right now so you can do it! I need better help these days." He muttered that last bit.

 "A-alright... Umm, eek, mojo. Uhhh, gloop?" Chope tried.

 "Not gloop! Glop! Glop!" Kapow corrected.

 "Um... Trayeaux, keelie, neptide..."

 "It's working. It's working! Finish the spell!" Chen ordered. Chope groaned in pain, so Kapow took over.

 "Vein, donner, klactu, barnato." Kapow struggled.

 "Kai... Don't look at me." Skylor groaned.

 "Fight it, Skykor! Fight it!" Kai encouraged.

 "I- I can't..."

 They both struggled to be free of the chains but they couldn't. Chen just stood there, seeing their struggles and is all powerful. Maybe. He and Skylor became snakes.

 "Now I am the most powerful warrior to ever rule Ninjago!!" Chen laughed.


 Lloyd rode around looking for anyone, while Brad was sleeping. His head was on Lloyd's back and his arms around Lloyd's waist to keep steady. Lloyd was far to concentrated to notice, he was looking around. He couldn't find anything so he chose to fly back. He was met with everyone but Kai and Skylor. They all looked at him with a the same, knowing, smirk.

 "What? Why are you all looking at me like that?" Lloyd asked, before blushing madly at the realisation that Brad was sleeping with his arms around Lloyd's waist and had his head on his back. Lloyd also noticed that he was holding onto Brad's hands, while they were wrapped around his waist. "O-oh."

 "You should probably wake him up, ya know?" Cole suggested, ready to make fun of both of them at the same time.

 "Ye-yeah." Lloyd agreed, completely unaware of Cole's plan. "H-hey, Brad, get up." Lloyd gently shook Brad, who was still on his back.

 "What..?" His sudden realisation, as to what position he was in, came quickly. He also saw, nearly, everyone there, smirking at the two boys.

 "Soooo, how was your sleep?" Jay asked, teasingly.

 "It was actually really good." Brad mumbled, forgetting that he was still sitting on the dragon with Lloyd.

 "Really?" Lloyd asked, now he was ready to tease.

 "Holy shizzles, I forgot about you." Brad said.

 "Ok, first. Thanks a lot, I like being forgotten." He rolled his eyes to match the sarcastic tone in his voice. "Second, shizzles?!" Lloyd laughed, "and third, was you really that comfy resting against my back that you had a really good sleep?"

 "W-well, your back is like a comfy cushion!" Brad stuttered, trying so hard to defend himself.

Suddenly, Garmadon screamed in pain as the transformation had started. Once it was over, he tried to sit up and regain his posture. Lloyd ran over to his father, worrying about what's happening.

 "The ssspell... The ssspell, it'ssss completed. If everyone with the mark of the Anacondrai isss affected, that meansss..." Garmadon realised, looking towards the guards that were held together with ropes.

They burst out of the ropes and the elemental masters, except Lloyd who's protecting Brad from incoming guards, immediately ran over to try and fight them. They all get beaten by the fake Anacondrai warriors, because they use the elemental masters strengths against them. 

Lloyd them fought back, while trying to make sure they don't try doing anything to Brad. But suddenly, Brad kicked Lloyd's back, making him fall, and ran over to the guards. The guards picked Lloyd up and held him by the arms, making sure he couldn't struggle out of their grip.

 "Sorry, sweetheart. But I'm with this lot. I may not have the Anacondrai mark, but they thought it better for me to not have it." Brad held Lloyd's chin. "You are so gullible." And with that, he turned away. Before he was out of earshot, he turned his head and spoke again.

 "Though, your back really was comfy. It's a shame honestly." He turned to speak to the guards, "You know what, take him with us. Chen will be happy to know we caught the Green Ninja. Maybe we'll be able to use him against his friends and father."

A.N. 823 words. It's a lot less than usual but there isn't much to add to this chapter. Last chapter, I said that they would find Kai and Skylor, also Zane would come back with the dragon but this just fit better. It took me a few minutes to decide evil Brad or not evil Brad, and then I decided evil Brad because we love a good plot twist. Trust me, it will get better as we continue! This basically answers the question as to why Brad's on the island, but we still need to find out why he was affected. It will come in good time, trust me. But for now,  you can wait, or read onwards. Depends when you're reading this.

Edited: 01/08/2023

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