★ Chapter 5: The Complicated Escape! ★

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 Clouse and Skylor were making sure the followers were chanting and Clouse, then, called for the prisoners to be brought into the 'extraction room'.

 "So the ninja were right!" Griffin Turner, the Master of Speed, said."This was never about any of us winning the tournament. This was always about something more sinister!"

 "What gave that away? Was it his cult following, or the giant snake head?" Shade, the Master of Shadow, remarked.

 "We all have been arguing and fighting for so long, that it took us all losing to bring us together. Too bad it's too late." Neuro, the Master of the Mind, said.

"Mmm mm mm mmmm! Da Da daa dam dum!" Jay sang, happily with not a care in the world.

 "Why are you so happy?! They're literally gonna steal our powers and they're gonna catch Lloyd! Stop singing!" Kai angrily demanded. He was mad, at Jay for being so happy at a time like this and at Skylor, who betrayed him and the others.

 "Because of the horrendous shackles preventing us from using our powers, I have resorted to the Power of Positive Thinking! Besides, it's not like you're doing anything." Jay remarked. "I believe Lloyd is gonna swoop down and save us in the nick of time!"

 Just then, Chen came in on his throne using the Power of Gravity to fly it around. 

"Weeeeee! Look at me, Clousey-Clouse! I'm flying!" He screamed like a child.

 "Yes, master." Clouse replied, mentally rolling his eyes at his master's childish incompetence.

He landed his throne, almost perfectly, while Clouse and Skylor joined him by his side. The losers had now made their way to the bottom of the steps, Skylor looking away as she can't bare to look at him. She was embarrassed and ashamed. 

 "Go on, look away. You know that he's gonna want your powers too after taking ours. I'm disappointed. I thought we could trust you." Kai ranted, angrily. She didn't reply. She couldn't. She knew, for sure, that she wasn't going to be able to do anything to gain his trust again, let alone him falling head over heels for her.

 "I'm so proud of myself, Clouse. I landed perfectly! Also, loving the place Clouse. You've really set the mood." Chen praised, getting a nod of appreciation from Clouse. "And soon, I'll get even more powers! I'll be unstoppable!"

 "You're not gonna get away with this Chen! You still don't have the Green Ninja! He'll save us!" Jay yelled, persistent.

 "Yes, I suppose he's going to swoop down by minute now and teach me a lesson." Chen replied, "Well, I'll wait. I love lessons!"

An uncomfortable silence wafted for a minute or two before Jay interrupted it, making the Elemental Masters more hopeful but less aswell.

 "Any minute now." Jay said, holding onto his belief.

 "That's enough waiting. I'm bored now." Chen complained, "But, here's a lesson for all of you! Don't be a sore loser. Only one can remain!" When he finished his lesson, he used Zane's ice to take all of their powers. It hurt the, now, Non-Elemental Masters. It was like they were being deprived of the only thing that makes them, them. But there was also the physical pain.

 "Your powers are now mine! All mine!" Chen exclaimed.

 Everyone looked around, hopeless.

 "He never came..." Jay noted, with a solemn expression taking over his usually 'happy go lucky' face.

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