★ Chapter 14: New plan in action! ★

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A.N. Can I just say, thank you all so much for 1.2k reads! I didn't think this would happen. I am so happy right now! I hope I can update more but I probably won't because my mum wants me and my siblings to get outside more this summer. Yay. So that's going to happen. Hopefully I can try to motivate myself more to do more, longer chapters and not short ones like 600 words. Whenever I get the chance, I'm going to write more chapters so be ready! Though it may not be much. I have recently been obsessed with The Owl House, so I was thinking that I could do a TOH group chat story when I have somewhat finished with this one. I'm really excited and I hope everything goes well. (P.S. I used the word inspire a lot this chapter so ignore that). Also, this chapter isn't long as I just really wanted to publish a chapter, sorry! Happy readings! 1009 words.

 "So, what is the plan you all have formed?" Cole asked.

 "We can see that Chen's next target will be past the Corridor of Elders and the only way there from here is through. They have to go through and that's where we stop them." Wu informed.

 "We are very aware that they outnumber us so we thought about that as well. We decided that we will talk to Ninjago City by telling them in groups. Each individual elemental master will go to certain areas and will inspire the citizens of Ninjago to see if they will join us to stop Chen and his followers from passing through the Corridor of Elders." Zane added.

 "But how do we convince the whole of Ninjago City?" Kai asked.

 "And how will we prevent Chen from passing through? If I remember correctly, they are, I don't know, IMMUNE TO OUR POWERS?!" Jay screamed.

 "We just have to make sure they don't pass while we do the spell to send them to the Cursed Realm." Lloyd assured him.

 "Okay, but who's going to do the spell?" Nya questioned.

 "I am. I have done it before. I can do it again. I banisssshed the Anacondrai generalsss many yearssss ago sssso I can do it again." Garmadon said.

 "I will be used as some sort of ruse. Since my father believes that you all kidnapped me, I can be used to get close to my father and hopefully take him down like that if it becomes an emergency where they're getting through easier than we think they might." Brad added.

 "Chen issss probably going to try and get Brad 'back' and posssssibly try and get me too. That issss probably a main objective for him. He will sssstop at nothing to get what he wantsssss sssso we musssst do our bessst." Skylor continued for her brother.

 "Oh, okay then. You lot best go now and talk to Ninjago City! We need to be quick." Nya said.

•~~~~ WITH JAY ~~~~•

 "Right now, the cities and villages of Ninjago are falling! We need everyone to join us in hopes we can prevent any more damage! We want all of you to help us stop Chen and help us in the second war with the Anacondrais. They aren't real ones but they are capable of everything an Anacondrai is capable of. Please, we ask you in a time of need and to keep all of Ninjago safe!" Jay encouraged. 

The crowd at the junkyard cheered and all of them decided to help. His parents, Ed and Edna, walked over to him and have him a hug, telling him how brave he is.

•~~~~ WITH KAI ~~~~•

 "I wish I could say it's like an army we've never seen before, but we have. We have fought Anacondrai before. However, this time we are facing some fakes who have the same capabilities as real Anacondrai. All because of one spell. We need everyone to rise up and help us stop them once and for all. We need everyone to come together and help us prevent more attacks. All we need is for you to join in!" Kai said. 

Everyone at the comic book store started to grab some things they could use against the Anacondrai. Gumballs, plastic swords, etc. They even took some fake armour. (Can I just say fake auto corrected to cake. Cake armour, lol).

•~~~~ WITH ZANE ~~~~•

 "We all may have different backrounds, like where we come from or our past, but we all share the same future here in Ninjago City! We need everyone to come together as a team and help us save Ninjago!" Zane spoke. 

The people surrounding Zane's statue, listening to his speech. He looked at everyone agreeing and Skales and his son, Junior, nod together. People started cheering and started to spread the word. More and more people got involved and soon, a large crowd formed and started cheering.

•~~~~ WITH COLE ~~~~•

 "Ninjago is at stake and we want you all to fight! You may be wondering why we are asking you to fight for us, and the answer is simply that we aren't! We are asking you to fight for Ninjago, for your home, for your families!" Cole yelled, making sure his voice was heard all over Kryptarian Prison.

 The prisoners started looking at each other and murmurs could be heard amongst them. Slowly, the prisoners and guards started to cheer and it was clear that they decided to help. 

•~~~~ WITH LLOYD ~~~~•

 "We're asking you to fight as one! As a city! We need to show our enemies that we aren't afraid and we can take them on! As long as you do your part and we do ours, we can keep our city safe." Lloyd said.

His crowd started cheering, agreeing, feeling inspired. He felt that he achieved something just by the cheers of his city, that he has the honour of protecting. He was glad that he and his fellow ninjas had a huge impact on the city of Ninjago.

The plan was ready.

Edited: 01/08/2023

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