★ Chapter 13: Would you look at that! Another two plans! ★

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 "So, what are we going to do?" Jay asked.

 "Well, we need to get to Pythor before Chen doesss." Garmadon explained.

"Well, yeah! We knew that! How though?" Kai said, in a matter-of-factly manner.

"Don't be so disrespectful Kai! That was incredibly rude!" Zane lectured.

 "Whatever." Kai rolled his eyes.

 "Quit arguing with Zane, Kai. We still need a plan." Cole stated.

 "Cole is right." Wu agreed, "We need to stop Chen from getting to Pythor first and bickering won't get us anywhere and it'll give him a head start."

 "Well, Brad sssaid he told Chen that Pythor isss at Gregory Fort Prissson ssso that buysss usss sssome time." Skylor remembered.

 "Good. That helps a great deal. He'll be held up trying to find Pythor there while we'll be at Kryptarian Prison." Lloyd says, thinking deeply.

 "Great, so we got the plan! Who's going?" Brad asked.

 "Well, we'll have the ninja go and Garmadon and I shall assist them. Brad, we have reason to think that Chen believes that you were kidnapped. We need to keep you here because we don't want to do another rescue mission. Everyone else monitor the movements of Chen and his followers. Make sure to try and keep him away from Kryptarian. We need as much time as possible." Wu ordered. Everyone nodded and went to do what they were told. 



 "Ahh!!! They took my son!" Chen screamed angrily. "They will pay! We must go get Pythor from Gregory Fort. Kaput! Flip-Flop!"

 "Actually, sir, it's Ka-" Kapow starts but Chope stops him.

 "You needed us, sir?" Chope asked.

 "Yes. Gather a group of soldiers. We are getting Pythor. And my children. I don't care if Skylor doesn't want to be evil and I want my loyal son back. They kidnapped him so we are getting them." Chen ordered.

 "Okay sir! Let's go, Kapow!" Chope replied to Chen's order.

The two plans took their course and soon, Chen is going to find out that Pythor is not at Gregory Fort Prison and he is going to be angry with mislead that he got. When he found out, he threw a tantrum. He got his Anacondrai followers to find where Pythor might be. Soon he got answer. By that time, Wu, Garmadon and the ninja was already going through the Kryptarian Prison security. Chen and his followers hurried to Kryptarian and that's where the two plans clashed. But they had the same objective. Get to Pythor first. 

 "Get them!!!" Chen screamed. His fake warriors charged towards the ninja as they fought for Pythor. 

The ninja used whatever they could to keep them away from Wu, Garmadon, Lloyd and Pythor. While they struggled, Wu held Pythor as they tried to escape. The ninja caught up as the fake warriors followed, this caused them to lose Pythor. A warrior found Pythor and they all left while the ninja tried to deal with the escaping prisoners. They lost him.

"What A Rollercoaster That Was.." - A Lloyd x Brad Fanfic: Book 1!Where stories live. Discover now