★ Chapter 6: They meet again! ★

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(We are just gonna pretend that Brad is there instead of Chen the Cheerleader from the LEGO Ninjago Movie because there is no fan art of Llrad. No surprise there. Anyway, I might make a story set in the LEGO Ninjago Movie with Llrad but instead Brad is the cheerleader, not Chen. Anygays, enjoy the chapter!)

Everyone met with the two outside, having rounded up all the outside guards in a rope. The seven (Kai, Nya, Zane, Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Brad) had joined together. Garmadon, Karlof and a few others were there in the woods too but they weren't in the conversation.

"Zane! It's amazing to see you again!" Lloyd said, excitedly. Then he saw Brad. "Brad? Is that you? But how?"

Brad chuckled, "It's funny how you recognised me so easily. Yes, it's me Lloyd." With that, Lloyd hugged Brad with tears welling in both of their eyes.

"Aw man, I didn't think I'd miss you this much." Brad said, sobbing into Lloyd's shoulder.

"Me too but then again, you're my best friend." Lloyd laughed through his sobs. They had completely forgotten about the other ninja until...

"Oooooooooo~" Cole and Jay said, as Lloyd and Brad separated.

"Shut up Cole, you love Kai." Lloyd snapped, as Cole and Kai went beet red.

"WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!" Cole and Kai yelled at Lloyd together, both going so many shades of red.

 "Yeah, yeah, like I'll believe that." Lloyd rolled his eyes, while Brad chuckled. He's never seen Lloyd act like this because they haven't seen each other for ages. He didn't notice he was staring, but Lloyd did.

 "Hey, you alright? You've been staring." Lloyd asked teasingly and also stifling a laugh as Brad had a gay panic and went all embarrassed.

 "I-I I'm, uh, sorry. I didn't, um, notice." Brad stuttered, while smiling sheepishly. He was really red but ignored it.

 "It's okay." Lloyd answered his flushed friend before going on for another hug. "I missed you so, so much."

 "Me too." Brad said, snuggling into Lloyd's shoulder. He was a little shorter but he didn't mind. He just missed Lloyd. But now, he's noticed that Lloyd's definitely going to bully him for it one day. If they see each other after escaping the island.

 "Actually, Brad, I was wondering. How did you get affected by the tea? I don't recall you being at the comic book store too, was you?" Zane asked, confused. As far as he and the others knew, Brad wasn't there when Lloyd was affected.

 "Ah, yes. I did say I would tell you. But, uh, I don't think I can right now." He mentioned, pointing behind them. Griffin, the Master of Speed, came sprinting up to them.

 "Neuro for a message from Skylor saying that she escaped the grasps of Chen, and that she needs backup. Chen has figured out that he may not have the staff or the crystal, but he can still use Skylor." Griffin informed.

 "What!? Okay Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane and Father, you all shall go help Skylor. Griffin, you need to inform the others to be in high alert. Everyone, but Brad and I, need to guard this area. I need to protect Brad. They had him on this island for a reason. We can't let them take him." Lloyd ordered, receiving nods and everyone hurried off.

 "We can use my dragon to have high ground and so I can keep you close and protected. Any idea as to why they kidnapped you and brought you here?" Lloyd questioned.

 "No but if they get me, they might try to bait you into giving all your powers if they get me." Brad told him. "You are really keen on protecting me though, aren't you?"

"What A Rollercoaster That Was.." - A Lloyd x Brad Fanfic: Book 1!Where stories live. Discover now