Leo x Reader One-Shot: "The Lover Always Comes Back" (Part 2)

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Leo ran through the streets on New York City, running towards (Y/N)' s apartment. It was pouring rain and Leo was soaking wet as he ran into (Y/N)'s apartment, not caring if anyone saw him. He was on a mission to prove that he loved (Y/N) and that he messed up. The elevator door dinged, signaling that it had reached the lobby and Leo pressed the button for the 3rd floor where (Y/N) was. Once the elevator doors slid open, Leo was sprinting to his ex-girlfriend's door. He knocked on the door rapidly.

"(Y/N)! Open the door please! It's Leo! I need to talk to you!" He screamed.

Leo heard a faint 'no' through the doorway and he sighed.

"Fine. I'll do this out here then." Leo sighed, "(Y/N) (L/N), your are the smartest, prettiest, funniest, and the most lovely woman I have ever met. You mean more to me than my limited edition Lou Jitsu action figure. If I had to choose between you and the life I have built, I would choose you. Every. Damn. Time. I would willingly give up everything I've ever achieved just to catch a glimpse of your smile, your hair, your nails, your everything! I fell for you the day we met! As soon as you walked into the room I knew that I was going to love you! You lit up the room more than any star, sun, or firework could. You inspire me and my family to be the best versions of ourselves and you have helped us to be the heroes of New York. (Y/N), I am so in love with you, I seem psychotic to normal people. So I beg you, please, allow me back into your life. I can barely function without you. I need you (Y/N)! I need the love of my life back!" Leo confessed through the door. He had put all of his love into that, he didn't care what happened next, he just needed to see (Y/N).

The door creaked as it opened to reveal (Y/N), tears running down her face like no tomorrow. Leo couldn't complain, he looked the same. Leo stood and stepped closer to the door, he looked at (Y/N) and smiled slightly.

"Why did you come back after what I said to you?" (Y/N) mumbled.

"The lover always comes back (Y/N), I needed to know if I had another chance. I love you so much, words can't describe it."

"You had a lot of words to describe it a second ago." (Y/N) laughed and hugged Leo.

Leo hesitated for a second then hugged (Y/N) back, he then lifted her chin with his hand and kissed her softly.

"Thank you Leo." (Y/N) mumbled and smiled at her boyfriend.

"Thank you (Y/N)."

(Y/N) looked at Leo and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What?" Leo asked, the expression on his girlfriend's face confusing him.

"Did Mikey make you come back here?"

Leo softly nodded and (Y/N) chuckled, the moment was soon interrupted by Leo's phone going off. Mikey was calling him. Leo answered the phone, "What do you want Mikey?"

"Good job bro." Mikey said through the phone.

"Are you spying on us right now?" (Y/N) asked.

"If I say no will you believe me?"

"Probably not." Leo said, clearly annoyed.

"Have fun lover boy!" Mikey yelled then hung up,

Leo rolled his eyes and kissed (Y/N) again, this time with more passion.

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