you raise the bet

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"Please move to the seat you picked from the number you pulled earlier." The teacher instructed.

Luca had a card with the number 7 on it. He took his seat and looked behind him. "Hi! You're 11 right?" He asked with so much optimism.

The girl who was sitting behind him had dark eyebags under both her eyes. It was obvious she did not get enough sleep. "Um, yeah.. I'm-"

"Y/n L/n the Loner! Yup, I know your name. Mine's Luca Kaneshiro, nice to meet you Y/n!" The blonde beamed a smile her way.

It was so bright to her. His smile was brighter than the sun itself and it was killing her. Did he just call her a loner..? But then that is true.. Wait a minute-

How did he know her name?

Why would the famous popular student like Luca Kaneshiro know the existence of an Introvert like y/n?

"H-How did you know my-" the girl was cut off by the call for Luca from the class' door.

"Hey, Luca-senpai! Let's go have lunch together!"

"Yeah, come on.. I am starving."

Luca laughs at his friends' remarks and went out with them for lunch outside class. Ren Zotto and Sonny Brisko, two out of three of Luca's friends and closest juniors.

Apparently Luca's friends group consists of foreigners, especially from Australia. It was not that hard for y/n to know who was who judging by their voice and accent.

Besides, she has very sensitive ears.

Y/n blinked tiredly. She doesn't care about them though, she decided to try and sleep for the amount of time lunch is.

To tell everyone the truth, Y/n is an insomniac.

However, she was never like this when she started school, she always had good night's sleep when she was little.

It all started when she collapsed during High School and at that time, y/n knew she had to take the school's dormitory programme to not make her parents worry.

Still after that, her sleep schedule has been more messed up than ever. Yes y/n was an intelligent student and her work and assignments never bothered her but it was the nighttime that did.

° • ~

From her seat, y/n stared outside the window aimlessly trying to look for something to make her fall asleep. However, she did not notice the class door opening.

"Good morning, Y/n!" A voice startled her. She turned to her side, her heart beating so fast she could almost hear it.

She sees the blonde from yesterday greeting her. That's new..

"Good Morning, Kaneshiro-san."

"What are you doing in class so early?" Luca asks. Y/n was debating with herself wether she should answer or not.

She calmed herself before answering. "I was doing my homework that was due today," She answered with a quiet voice.

"Homework??!?!" Y/n got startled by the sudden outburst. "Y/n, are you done with it? Please let me copy, I'll do anything in return!"

Y/n's sweat dropped, she was panicking on the inside. She has never dealt with these situations before since she never had friends. "Sure, I'm done with it anyway." She handed the Japanese homework to the blonde.

"Good morning~!" The door opened and in comes another one of Luca's friend, Mysta Rias. Behind him was the intelligent and cool student, Ike Eveland. "Beautiful morning to you both," The swede greeted.

This is all new to Y/n. Not once has one person greeted her 'good morning', let alone three!

Both Mysta and Ike walked over to Y/n's desk to see what Luca was doing at hers. "Hey, I've never seen you before! What's your name?"

Y/n looked at Luca with a scared expression, the blond just nodded to indicate her it's all fine. "My name is Y/n L/n.."

"Nice to meet you l/n, I'm Ike Eveland and this is Mysta Rias." Ike as usual spoke in his calm tone. Ike left the classroom a bit later because he had student council work to do.

Everything went well until Mysta laid his eyes onto Luca's paper. "What the fuck?! There was Japanese homework?? When!?" Mysta exclaimed.

The brit then turned to Y/n. "Y/n.. can I copy your homework too?" Luca quickly interrupted him by looking at y/n straight dead in the eyes. "You don't have to if you don't want to,"

"Um, that's alright. You can borrow it Rias-kun." The brit beamed with joy, hands in the air. "Oh my god, thank you! I promise I will never ask for it ever again!"

Mysta took the homework with him to his table (which was at the other side of the class) happily. The two stared at him silently. "You know, you could've just said no.." Luca says out of nowhere.

Y/n shook her head. "It's fine, it's the least I could do for his morning greet." Luca pouted, looking at the girl with jealousy in his eyes.

If he has to do good deeds for her to return them, he would gladly do millions of them for her to return them back.

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