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Y/n groaned, her hear hits the table on that was outside the cafe. "Ah! Don't do that, my lady!" Lucius panicked.

"Shut up, Merry."

"That's rude, my lady. You weren't raised to be like this." He glared at her slightly.

Lucius Merryweather, a writer who was trusted by Y/n's biological parents to look after and tutor her when but that was only when she used to be under her parents' custody. He likes being patient with her but when she gets in his nerves, Lucius would snap and whip her arms with a crop.

Those days would be rare but it usually happens when she sneaks off.

Bubi laughed at Lucius' words. "Cheer up, Merry. Y/n was raised to be a rebel like me." The girl however groaned when he says this.

Beelzebub Anarchia Cruul de Apokalypsi also known as Bubi is Y/n's older cousin by three years comes from her biological father's side. There isn't much to say about him, Y/n dislikes him for the reason being he always seeks for mischief wherever he goes. He dropped out of school three years ago to work under someone he calls 'Mousey'.

Lastly, Shoto Hanamori. Y/n's ex-bodyguard and childhood best friend. Always helps her escapes Merry's classes whenever Y/n doesn't feel like learning and needed relaxation. The two used to be super close but as time passed, they grew distant due to Y/n's choices of running away.

"My lady, you are graduating soon. Surely you would want your parents to be with you?"

Y/n sat up properly and cleared her throat, wanting to say something but Merry was quick to add more words to his sentence.

"Your biological parents." Y/n huffed at the addition said by him and crossed her arms in annoyance.

Shoto raised his hand, wanting permission to speak in which Merry gives a small nod to. "She doesn't want to do anything with them anymore." He looked at the girl. "Not when she started dating Luca."

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "Luca has nothing to do with my choices. Now excuse me, I need to go back to my boyfriend." She was already standing up.

"Please take your seat, my lady. We weren't finish discussing." Merry sighs.

"You have no relations with me anymore, Lucius."

Merry pointed to Bubi. "Oh but he has relations with you through and through."

Bubi who has been crossing his arms and smiling, nodded. "I say.." he paused and looked at the three. "Um.." he turned to Merry and leaned in to whisper, everyone could still hear him. "What do you want me to say..?"

Merry face-palmed. At least two of the three students he tutored turned out to be mature and logical.

"You two leave, I will speak with her."

The two males quickly refused. "But Merry-!"

"Now." Bubi does as told but Shoto was hesitant. He looks at Y/n before walking away a few meters away from the two. Bubi and Shoto decided to strike a conversation with each other but it was so painful to watch them interact with one another as they weren't that close.

"Can you please call your lover to sit here with us, my lady?"

Y/n's lips flattened into a straight line, she turned her head to Luca who was sitting two tables away from them. He looked very cheerful but deep down she knew he was wary of Merry.

She signaled him to come over to which the blonde smiled widely at. Luca took a seat next to his girlfriend and gave Merry a polite smile.

"I am only here on behalf of her birth parents. However, I still consider myself as her legal guardian."

"..okay?" Luca titled his head.

"Luca Kaneshiro, do you really love Y/n?" Merry raised a brow.

Luca knew the answer with every inch of his body. With a confident smile, he proudly says: "Yes. From the moon and back, from the heaven to earth and from the bottom of my heart. Nothing else matters to me more than her being with me."

Merry widened his eyes as he was very impressed with the blonde's choices of words. "Oh my, I guess you've found yourself a keeper, Y/n."

Y/n grinned, holding onto Luca's hand under the table and slightly . "Thank you, Merry."

° • ~

After the whole interaction, Luca took Y/n home by walking with her holding her hand. Just by his demeanour, Y/n could tell Luca was giddy. Besides, he was practically skipping in joy.

"What's gotten you so happy Mister big and scary man?"

Luca lets go of her hand, jumped in front of her with a huge grin on his handsome feature. "I'm just so happy your guardian likes me!" He then swooped in to hug his girlfriend and twirled her in the air.

Luckily there was not that many people where they are.

Y/n laughed along with him. He's so cute when he's feeling joyous. When the blonde placed her back to the ground, he squeezed her in a tight hug. "I love you so much Y/n! No one could ever, ever replace you ever!"

Such flaterring words made the girl couldn't help but feel touched. She felt the warmth and honesty with every words that came out of his mouth.

On her tippy toes, Y/n placed a short chaste kiss on Luca's lips. "I love you too, you himbo."

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