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This was the first time y/n ever eats lunch with someone. Everything since Luca came into her life was a first time to her.

She sleeps well for the first time, she has more than one friend for the first time, she doesn't feel very sleepy for the first time and now she's eating lunch in the class with a friend for the first time!

Y/n felt giddy inside but a part of her was suspicious why Luca was suddenly getting closer and closer to her. She fought the thought by saying 'he probably wanted a girl friend'.

Currently, Luca has his chair turned to Y/n's desk. He sat down and placed his store bought food on the desk, his banana milk on the side. He happily opened the plastic from the can and ate the contents with joy.

The girl in front of him just smiled slightly, not touching her food. She was overwhelmed by the sudden change!

Noticing this, Luca stopped munching and titled his head. "Are you not going to eat, y/n?"

Y/n blinked, realising she was zoning out. "R-Right.. thank you for the food.." She mumbled quietly. When she opened her bento, Luca's eyes sparkled at the cuteness and neatness she placed them into.

There was chicken curry with the rice shaped as a bear sleeping under an omelet blanket. The veggies she had like carrots were in shapes of stars and the broccolis were cute smiley trees decorated with seaweed placed on top of the bear's pillow.

"That is so cute, y/n!" Luca complimented making the girl blush. "Thank you but it's nothing, it's just food."

"Cutely decorated food," Luca corrected herself. "I would feel bad eating it because a lot of hard work was put into it!"

Y/n looked at her lunch and pushed it to Luca. "Do you want it?" The blonde looked at the girl with widened eyes and flushed cheeks. "Really? But what about you?"

"Hm. I'll be alright,"

Luca narrowed his eyes, giving y/n a scary look. "Don't tell me you have an eating disorder too."

"I don't! I really will be fine, plus it's too much for me!"

Luca picked up a brocoli using chopsticks and puts it in her mouth. "There, how about we share?"

Y/n did not believe that Luca just did that to her. As an act of revenge, she took a spoonful of rice and curry and shoved it in his mouth. "Don't do that to me next time! What if I choked?!"

"Hey, this looks and tastes good!" Luca happily eats. "Well I'm not surprised because the person who made it is pretty,"

"L-Luca?!???" Luca continued feeding the flustered y/n to make her stop talking.

"Shh just eat your lunch."

The people who remained in class during lunch were watching the two with full of surprise. They did not expect a loner and a popular person like Luca to get so close to Y/n.

Some of them were in awe, some were jealous whilst the others didn't care much.

Shu who was speaking to Ike through the hallway window smiled. "They're so adorable together Ike,"

"Please Shu, Y/n doesn't know how Luca feels."

When the swede said that, Shu became interested in the topic. "What do you mean Ikey?"

Ike looked at the duo before leaning in to whisper to Shu. "Y/n told me she wanted to be closer to Luca when we were delivering papers to the teacher's office."

Shu felt like he has heard the juiciest gossip ever. When the yellow highlighted haired male wanted to say on the matter, he was pushed by a junior.

"Where is he." A neon purple haired male asked with sass.

"Sorry Senpai-" A different junior apologised. Strangely enough, he looked like Vox.

The purple haired junior looked inside the classroom through the opened window and spotted who he was looking for. "Oh my god, Fu-chan I told you it worked!" He pointed at a certain pair.

"Oh shit, good job Ukiki," The white haired male praised him.

"You both know Luca?" Ike questioned the two.

Uki and Fulgur both nodded. "Well it does help that he's popular in the school," Uki stated, making Ike mumble a little 'right..'. "Plus, he's a friend of our friend and a friend of Fu-chan's brother."

Fulgur whipped his head towards Uki. "You did not need to say that!" He whispered embarassedly.

"You mentioned something about helping him?" Shu joined in. "Oh yeah, basically Kaneshiro-senpai asked us to give him love advice."

Ike who seemed to be confused, raised an eyebrow and pointed at the two juniors. "Ah wait.. are you two..?"

Uki smiled and happily gave Fulgur a side hug. "Yes, this cutie next to me is my boyfriend!"

"Aw that's cute," Shu said, making Fulgur reddened and Uki smile wider. Uki parted from his boyfriend and crossed his arms. "Anyway, about Kaneshiro-senpai."

Uki looked back at the pair who are talking and feeding each other food. "Hm, I guess he's fine." He shrugged and turned to his other two seniors.

"Well about the girl then," Uki casually said.

It was Fulgur's turn to speak. "She's a relative to former student from this school, Reimu Endou."

"Oh god, are you both saying y/n got it genetically?" Ike sighed. Fulgur and Uki nodded at his reply.

"That's a nice info, thanks you both but you should probably run off to class, there's five minutes left of lunch." Shu told the two.

"Okay, but we have a lot to talk about l/n-senpai!" Uki said whilst being dragged off by his boyfriend.

"Well that's that." Shu says, leaning in the window frame. "See you after school," He leaned in to give a kiss but was met by a book.

"Leave before I never talk to you," Ike pouted.

Shu shook his head, looking at his lover's behaviour. "Right, love you too Ikey." He kissed his own middle and pointer finger and placed it on Ike's head before leaving.

Making the swede blush, hiding in his opened book.

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A/n: Bet none of you expected two ships in one chapter muehehe

Sorry for late updates and if the ships aren't into your liking, its totally fine but what I do have to say is its various in the other books.

Now excuse me while I speedrun chapter 2 hdhshgshsb

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