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Y/n was sitting in her seat, admiring a ring placed that she only noticed this morning. It didn't look cheap and knowing Luca, he probably troubled himself to find the most rarest and expensive things ever just for her.

As Ike entered the class at the usual time he arrives, not too late and not too early, he sees Y/n examining the ring. It wasn't that hard to see since it was shining by the sun's rays.

After Ike placed his bag on his place and greeted his classmates' greets back, he went over to Y/n to talk with her as usual. "Good morning Y/n, where did you get that?"

Y/n jumped in her seat, surprised at Ike's sudden greet. "M-Morning, Īincho! I mean Ike- uh this? Luca gave me this last night.. I think?"

Ike awed, placing a hand over his chest feeling warm-hearted. "That's sweet of him to do,"

Suddenly, Mysta popped out from behind the two and gasped loudly. "Oh, em, gee! That's a real fucking ring. Luca wasn't joking when he said he would intr-"

Ike widened his eyes and quickly closed Mysta's obnoxious mouth shut with both his hands. The class president looks at Y/n with a nervous smile. "I think what Mysta meant to say was: he couldn't believe Luca wasn't joking when he wanted to buy you a ring!"

Y/n raised a brow at her friends' behaviour however she just shrugged it off and continued to admire her ring.

"Speaking of Luca," Mysta managed to mumble. He removed both Ike's hands to which Ike wipes off with wet tissues. "Where is that golden retriever man anyways?" The brit crossed his arms.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders. "He dropped his bags here then left in a hurry."

"He's probably off to practice with the sports team," Ike says.

Mysta nodded, his eyes then drifted to the doors of the class. "Oh my fucking god," He whispered. "Anyone but him would have be nice.."

Ike and Y/n followed his gaze, there standing outside the class was Shoto. He smiled when Y/n finally notices him so he waved but she looked away and ignored him.

Shoto felt offended, entered the class and stomped his way to Y/n's table. "Is that how you treat your best friend?"

Mysta looked at Shoto up and down in disbelief. "Best frien-" Ike nudged him to be quiet but Mysta didn't take it very lightly, crossed his arms in frustration.

"I'm her best friend." Mysta mumbled jealously. Ike rolled his eyes at this.

Shoto ignored Shu's brother's statement, he just smiled at Y/n. "I need you,"

Y/n didn't replied, she yawned and laid on her arms, wanting to sleep. Shoto rolled his eyes at this. "Luca needs to see you."

Y/n's eyes opened I surprise. "Why didn't you say that earlier? Let's go," She stood up and walked out the class with Shoto behind her.

Mysta glared at the student council president. "I'm her best friend."

Ike sighed at his friend's declaration. "Believe me. Everyone knows, Mysta.."

° • ~

Luca professionally dodged the rival team. He called out for his teammate to pass him the basketball. His teammate did so and he catches it.

Seeing a clear open route to the goal, Luca smirked. He throws the ball in the hoop and cheered in victory. "Pog! Let's go!!" His team cheered with him too.

The blonde grabbed his towel to wipe off his sweat and makes his way to the other team. "Your team did great, remember to guard the open areas too." He tells them.

They all thanked him and exchanged pleasantries. The other team was captained by Ver's team and they're from the same school anyways so there was no rude remarks made.

"Luca!" Shoto called out.

Luca beamed and made his way to him with opened arms. Shoto thought he was going to hug him but of course, he hugged his girlfriend. "Yeah sure, I'm not here or something." Shoto scoffed.

"Y/n~" Luca hugged her and squished his cheek on her head. "Did you see me score the goal? I did great didn't I?" He beamed with his usual active energy.

Y/n patted his head. "You did great, Luca." Luca chuckled and continued to pamper her with affection.

It was cut short by Shoto who coughed out. "I thought you told me to go get her because you needed to tell her something."

Luca looked at Shoto and gasped. "I forgot, I do!" He then turned to Y/n. "I love you,"

Shoto's eye twitched. "All that for this?!"

"Telling her I love her is very important to me!" Luca pouted. "Oh and, we're skipping school today." He tells his lover.

Y/n looked at him in shock. "Skip school? Luca, I never-"

"It's okay, I told the principal, our homeroom teacher and Shoto! He wants to come along."

"First a student works at the police department as a part-time job, a heist and now this..." Shoto sighed in stress. "I just need to make sure you're both safe."

"Yeah right, you're making sure Y/n's safe." Luca corrected him.

Shoto's face turned red. "No, I'm not! I need to make sure you both don't die or anything! Plus, what are you going to do when you take her to Australia anyways?!"

Luca hummed and pulled Y/n closer. "Introduce her to my extended family, of course."

Y/n looked up to him and turned red. "W-What? Is this even allowed?? Luca we graduate in two months-"

"So? I need to make sure my family meets the future addition to the family!" Luca booped her nose and laughed. "Which is you!"

Too embarassed, Y/n overheated and almost fainted. "Wah! Y/n, don't die on me! We haven't gotten married yet!"

"You dumbass, she's embarrassed!" Shoto hits the blonde's head.

"Oww!! But I'm telling the truth!" Luca cried.

"Shut up and help me bring her to the nurse's office!"

A junior ran through the halls, bumping into multiple people in the hallways. Upon reaching the stairs, he went to the second floor. "Sorry!" He yelled at someone he bumped into.

The raven haired junior rushed to his senior's class. Everyone looked at him, giving him weird looks but it didn't bother him.

His eyes laid on his brunnette senior. "Alban-senpai, I need your help."

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