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"Good morning, Kaneshiro-senpai!"

"Morning, Kaneshiro!"

"I hope you're feeling much better now, Kaneshiro-kun!"

"Waaa! He's back! Hi, g-good morning Kameshiro-san!"

"Good day, Kaneshiro-san."

As usual, Luca was greeted by most people in the school when he got back recovering from his fever. Of course, he replied to them with a smile and a cheerful greet good morning back.

In the corner of his eyes, he sees Y/n at the side of the staircase and wanting to embrace and talk to her the first thing in the morning, he rushed up to her.

Only for him to stop when he remembered the embarrassing thing he did to her. He turned around then walked to their classroom, greeting everyone with a worried look.

"You look.. are you okay, Luca?" Ike questioned the petrified blonde who just arrived to class.

"No." Luca answered abruptly.

Ike scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Obviously. So care to tell me what's bothering your mind?"

"You know how much I like this one person, right?" Ike nods, giving full attention to his blonde friend. "I just remembered I did something terrible to her." Luca says, eyes on his desk.

As in cue, Y/n entered the classroom as usual, she greeted Mysta, Ike and Luca a small quiet good morning. Ike looked at Y/n, greeted her back too when she sits in her place but Luca remained his petrified stare onto his own desk.

"Ike!" Y/n whispered to the class president. When she caught his attention, Ike walked over to her. "Is Luca alright? What happened?" She whispered with concern.

The swede shrugged. "You should talk see him later. I don't think he wants to talk to anybody except you today," he suggested.

"Oh.. alright then,"

Luca was still sulking in his seat, ignoring all the calls from his classmates, including Y/n! He was so occupied with his thoughts, he didn't even reply to the teacher.

"Luca, the teacher is calling you!" Y/n whispered but her efforts were in vain when the blonde was hit by a chalk by the teacher. "Agh! Sensei, that hurts!"

Hearing those words from the class clown, everyone laughed.

° • ~

"Luca, Evans-sensei is looking for you." Ike stated.

"Agh shoot! The papers!!" Luca bolted out the classroom with Ike following him from behind.

Y/n who was shortly asleep woke up after that. She looked around the class to find it empty so she deducted it was already the end of the last lesson.

"Yo, Y/n!" Shu came up to her when she was packing up her stuff. "Have you seen Ike?"

"Um, no.. I was the last one left here."

"I can see that.. Oh yeah! Can you accompany me to the nurse's office for a bit? I have to give the first aid kit back i borrowed from PE."

Y/n nodded, seeing as she has nothing to do after school anyways. "Great! Let's go then,"

~ ~

"-then I said I hardly even know her!" Shu joked, making Y/n laugh.

The two encountered Ike on their was to their destination. "Oh, you two are here." Shu waved at him, pointing to the first aid he's holding.

"Oh." The swede gasped. Shu was trying to make the other pair of lovebirds talk to each other.

Shu grinned, taking lead in the conversation. "Now that Ike's here, I remembered we had a date today."

"Date? You guys are dating?"

Ike nodded, his face is red when Shu mentioned about their relationship. "Aw that's cute. Here, I'll bring it to the office myself." Y/n took the first aid from Shu's hold.

"Thanks Y/n, you're a godsent!"

"Luca is probably still there. He can take you home."

Shu turned his head to his lover and whispered something to his ear. "Alright, how about the three of us go there and then finish the job?"

° • ~

"Hey, Luca! I'm back." Ike knocked on the door.

Luca cried harder as he was sitting on the bed Y/n mostly occupied when she passes out. "Waaa- Ike what do I do?! I can't tell her how I feel! You're just here to mock me!"


"You got Shu, Vox already has Mysta and my juniors are even dating way before I am! You guys are making fun of me!"

The blonde under the sheets finally turned his head around. His eyes widened, face reddened and mouth shut.

Luca clearly heard Ike coming in the room.

"W-Where's Ike?"

Y/n pointed to the door. "He left with Shu."

The blonde wiped his eyes and fixes the bed. He couldn't believe he showed his weak side towards a girl like Y/n. He's so ashamed of himself.

Luca eyed Y/n who's putting the first aid kit away on the nurse's desk. She yawned and that's where he noticed her eyebags were getting more and more darker.

"Y/n, have you not been sleeping?"

"Yeah.. I wasn't able to," She blinked, trying to get the tiredness away but failed. "Luca, the thing you did last time. Can you do it again?"

The blonde approached her, hands on both of her shoulders. "A-Are you sure?!" Y/n nodded, a smile plastered on her face.

Having no time to waste, Luca closed his eyes and kissed her lips. Stunning the poor girl to shock.

He was passionate, he was taking his time to actually make it seem professional. When the parted, Y/n's face was bright red whereas Luca had a determined look.

Taking a breather, Luca smiled. He finally has the guts to tell her how he feels.

"Y/n, I like you!"

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