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Luca sat on the chair with sweat slowly dripping on his neck. He bit his lower lip, looked around for the one person who brought him here but she was nowhere to be seen.

He nervously sat there, looking everywhere but the pairs of eyes of the other two people who sat with him around the table.


A hit on the table made Luca jolt in surprise, looking at the person who made him almost pee his pants. "So tell me Australian boy, how did you meet my cousin?"

"We met at school-"

"Which school?" Reimu pressed further.

"The one we're currently studying in right now!" Luca closed his eyes, scared of what his girlfriend's family would think of him.

"Are you Lucy's brother?" The blonde looked to his other side and nodded furiously. "No wonder! Reimu don't be harsh on him,"

"But Peter!-"

Peter took a sip of his beverage and shook his head. "You remember how we met," Reimu grumbled to herself, giving glares to Luca in disapproval. Everyone knows Reimu Endou was protective of her innocent, sleepy cousin and Y/n just doesn't know it.

"I heard you're popular in school." Peter asked nicely. His tone was different than Reimu's protective tone. Luca felt calm and answering it would be no problem to him.

The blonde shrugged. "You could say that.." he answered, unsure if he was popular and liked or popular and used. Being the optimist he is, he knows it's the first option. "I've actually known Y/n for a few years. Although we didn't talk to each those years, I still fell for her."

"She's adorable and she's so unique in her own ways." Luca continued on about why he likes her, Peter and Reimu listening being in awe. "Plus, sometimes I feel like I'm special when she needs me."

"Bitch, you're gonna make me cry." Reimu whispered with tears in her eyes. Luca didn't know what he did, all he did was say stuff about why he liked her and when he started liking her. He didn't mean to make it sound sad..

Moments later, Y/n arrived at the dinner table with what seemed to be Peter's sister. They placed food on the table and took their seats after. "Why is the vibe here gloomy?" Y/n asked her lover quietly.

"I don't know.." Luca replied. He really didn't mean to make Reimu and Peter feel blue after what he said about Y/n.

° • ~

The lovebirds bid goodbye to Reimu, Peter and Petra. But before leaving, Reimu wanted a one on one talk with Luca so Y/n busied herself by talking to Petra and Peter.

"Don't forget to take care of yourself Y/n. I know Luca's nice and all but don't let him take control of you easily!"

"Petra.. aren't you exaggerating?"

Petra turned to her brother. "Of course I'm not! I just don't want her to turn out like Alban's girlfriend." She huffed, angry eyes staring at her brother.

"Alban's girlfriend is fine, Y/n will be alright too."

The two siblings started to bicker throwing words like she's fine or she's not! back to back at each other.

Y/n felt her shoulder being tapped twice. She turned around to see Luca who's smiling and seemed to he eager to leave. "We should get going now, thank you for having us." Y/n bowed politely at the two.

"It's no problem, come visit again soon!" Peter waved with Reimu besides him.

"So, I guess this is where we part ways." Y/n said so suddenly which made Luca turn his head to her sharply.

He held her hand and brought her to a different road. It was a small detour he wanted her to see. "Not yet, I want to bring you somewhere."

Surprised, she allows her boyfriend to take the lead and bring her to the desired location. It wasn't far from their houses and not many people knew about the location he was bringing her to.

When they were getting close to the location, Luca closed Y/n's eyes with his hands and guided her carefully so she wouldn't fall or injure herself. "Tada!" Luca softly surprised her, parting his hands from her eyes.

Y/n was in awe. The place seemed magical to her as it was decorated with fairy lights and flowers everywhere. "Did you plan this, Luca?" She asked to which the blonde nodded happily.

Earning a hug from his lover, Luca placed a long kiss on her forehead. "Take this as a declaration that I love you so much!" He exclaimed boldly.

"You're so sweet, Luca. You didn't have to do this for me you know,"

Luca parted the hug from his lover and pouted at her words. "Don't say that, if I could, I would give you the whole world or the moon," He placed his forehead onto hers, their nose almost touching.

"I love you so much, I would give you anything in return for being the love of my life."

Luca then stood up straight, eyeing somewhere in the distance to give a sneaky thumbs up.

"Phew, I'm glad they like it." A ravenette sighed, a relief expression displayed on his face. "Do you think they would last long?"

Ren earned a punch on the shoulder by another junior of Luca's. "Why would you say that? We should be happy for them," Sonny glared at the ravenette.

The blonde looked back at the couple and sighed dreamily at the scene of the lovebirds dancing romantically. "They're so adorable together."

Ren joined in, nodding as a sign he agrees with his senior's words. "An insomniac with shy bunny energy dating a popular guy with golden retriever energy. How more perfect do they need to be?"

"They're graduating in a few months.." Sonny frowned which Ren copied later on.

"I'll miss our senpais.."

Noticing the gloomy atmosphere between the two, Sonny wrapped an aem around Ren's neck and ruffled his junior's hair with his other hand. "Cheer up risotto, we get to spend summer with them!"

Ren smiled at his senior's comforting words. "You're right," He's glad to have the two optimostic blondes as his seniors.

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A/n: Complex's universe is connected with Reserved and Introvert (which isn't released yet).

: This chapter had to be published again due to error.

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