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Entering the classroom at his usual time, Luca entered with a smile and greeted everyone as usual. When he got to his seat, he turn around to greet y/n but was met by a sleepy version of her.

"Good morning- ah!" Luca was startled by her drowsiness. "Y/n did you not get enough sleep again?"

The girl groaned. "What do you think, Luca?" The said male only smiled and patted her head, making the girl blush.

"You should sleep more," He said making Y/n grab his hand and look into his eyes with desperation. "Luca.. can we do it again?"

. . .


She worded it so wrongly, Luca was tensed up!

"Y-You mean me helping you get better sleep right?" Luca wanted to confirm. His face was so red and hot, he felt like he wanted to explode right there and then.

Still holding onto his hand, y/n nods, hugging his arm. "Yeah.. your hand is warm," she started to doze off.

The aussie pulled his hand away, y/n was confused. "Ah- I'll help you during lunch time. You can't sleep right now, class is gonna start in fifteen minutes!..?" He stated, clearly unsure of the time.

A meek, sleepy smile was all she could give to him. "..right"


Luca felt like he got hit by a bus! He's so weak right now! He had a feeling that y/n was trying to convince him its alright but he really can't let her sleep now, she slept for almost three hours last time!

Feeling guilty, he decided to give in and let her sleep with his help. "Okay so if you sleep now, I'll help-"

"Hey, Kaneshiro-san! Good morning," A classmate greeted him which Luca greeted back to not be rude. "Morning!"

"Have you heard of the upcoming release of a new movie?" More and more of his classmates crowded around him.

Luca smiled throughout the situation, making sure to look back to y/n who's getting irritated at the crowd.


How could he forget? She doesn't like noisy crowded places-

"Um g-guys.. can you please-" In the corner of his eyes, Y/n stood up from her seat and walked off his sight.

Guilt flooded in him. He thought to himself. If he never had been so popular and nice, none of his classmates would've gone up to him and disturb his conversation with y/n.

"Kaneshiro-san, are you okay?"

Luca snapped back to the group. "Yeah but uh.. have you seen y/n? Which direction did she went to?"

His classmates confused, looked around each other. "Who's y/n? Ack!- Eveland-san that hurts!"

"Y/n as in L/n Y/n. Now please scram and don't group up like this." Ike crossed his arms.

Earning some sad yesses, the group dispersed and some went to sit on their places.

Ike then sharply looked at Luca, his arms still crossed. "I don't know what you did but y/n left the classroom." It sounded like he was scolding a child.

Luca frowned, his head drooped almost making it seem like he was a dog getting scolded by his owner. "She said she wanted some sleep.." A lightbulb of idea finally hit him. "She went to the nurse's office!"

His Swedish friend only shook his head and sighed. "If you want to see her then go ahead, I'll just tell sensei a made up story for you,"

Luca brightened up and smiled with joy. "Yay! Thank you Ikey, you're the best!" He hugged the male's torso. Finally standing up, Luca left the classroom in a hurry, worried y/n might have passed out.

When he reached the nurse's office, he raised his arms in the air, feeling victorious. "I'm here!"

There was no nurse on duty at the moment so he guided himself to y/n's favourite bed. "I knew I'd find you here!" He smiled upon seeing her lying with her eyes still opened.

"Hey.. sorry I left, the noise gave me a headache." Y/n said almost in a whisper.

Luca took a seat besides the girl, smiling to tell her its alright. "That's fine, I wanted to help you anyways."

"But what about class?"

Luca smiled again, his arms crossed, imaginary sparkles besides his head. "Ikey got it covered for us!"

Yawning, y/n looked up at the ceiling but her eyes weren't closing to sleep. "Let me help you," Luca did the same thing he did to her during the first time she wanted to sleep.

The girl was already sleeping like a log a few minutes ago, it's already first period of class.

Luca sighed at the scene in front of him, he adored her. He adored her so much that if she was a goddess, he would worship her everyday.

That was how much he liked her.

He could never be able to express his feelings towards the girl so openly towards everyone.

Yet he imagines time to time if they're dating, he would proudly announce it to everyone in the school. Telling them that y/n is finally his.

Then again, he felt scared. He had known her for so long yet he never had the guts to confess to her. He was worried that a loud, famous guy in school like him would not be her type.

He thinks about it sometimes, times like when he saw Vox talking to her. It made him think that people like the ravenette would be much suiting for her than himself.

There would be days where Luca would feel motivated and think about the future with the love of his life but there are others where he thinks of her future with other men.

"You're pretty.." he complimented the sleeping girl. "I like you so so much, y/n."

When his eyes saw her lips, he was tempted to kiss them and he did exactly that.

Just like the fairy tale The Sleeping Beauty, with his kiss the girl's eyes fluttered open when he parted from the kiss.

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