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"Luca please don't cry-"

"I'm going to fail my exams and I won't be able to spend time with you AAA-"

"Luca stop crying, that's my fucking job as the crybaby in the group!"

Luca whimpered and hugged his girlfriend after being yelled at by Mysta.

It was that time of year where students will be going through their midterm examination tests. This was considered the time where students would work on their scores harder as those who failed the midterms would have to stay in school to study during the whole summer.

Y/n's little group of friends were quite challenging as they had differences in different areas..

"Y/n-san, how do you spell that in English?"

"It's T-H-A-T. Bro how do you know Japanese better than English?" Ike glared at Mysta, seemingly to take offense in his statement.


"Vox stop playing dumb, you're half British."

"No, that's me!" Mysta states with a hand raised. Ike sighs at his friend's behaviour.

Vox, Mysta and Ike were going into some troubles with their differences. "Shu, please help me.." His boyfriend called out. However, the yellow highlighted haired man did not reply.

Shu was there, sitting with the group, peacefully reading some codings for his class. He didn't bother with the Japanese, English or History.. none of that! Yamino Shu was known for being the smartest person in the whole school!

"I'm never going to be like him.." Luca whispered. "Don't say that, Luca." Y/n assured him that everything will be just fine. Although he sensed himself being at peace, his mind was never at rest thinking about the midterms.

The blonde thought to himself. 'If I don't pass my classes, I'll be forced to attend all classes during summer, I won't be able to have time for Y/n!' Tears were threatening to fall to his cheeks.

Y/n saw his expression. "Luca-"

"Waaaa!! Y/n I want to spend the summer holidays with you!" Luca buried his face onto her neck, sobbing loudly.

All eyes were on the blonde who was consoled by his girlfriend. Their friends were all silent, looking at their respective lover.

"Mysta-" Vox started, only to be pushed away by a fox eared hat Mysta slapped in the ravenette's face. "Shut the fuck up, Vox."

Unlike the two,  "You'll do great in your English exam Ikey,"

"Thank you, Shu." Ike looks at everyone. "Want more drinks and snacks?"

Everyone answered with an unison. "Yes, please!"

° • ~

"So, how was it?"

Y/n looks at all her friends gathered on the rooftop, it was the place where Mysta and Vox always had lunch together then after they made their relationship public to their group, they invited them to have lunch with the two.

"It was so easy!" Shu ruffled his brother's hair. "Nice!" He complimented him.

"I think mine went pretty well,"

"If I fail, I have my ways to raise my scores." Concerned looks all turned to Vox. Ike was the most concerned of all. "You're not gonna.."


"Um, okay.." Everyone then changed the subject to summer holiday. They were planning on what to do during those days, laughing and chatting about their previous ones.

"I have a feeling like I'd be failing." Luca heard whispers from his lover. "I fell asleep.." Y/n guilty said.

Luca felt bad for Y/n. She's a smart person, her failing due to lack of sleep might be the worst case scenario ever for the girl. "How about you stay over my place for the whole exam time and you can help me revise!"

Y/n smiled, leaning in his face closer. "Deal!" Luca kissed her nose unexpectedly and joined his friends' conversation, leaving the girl in a flustered mess.

° • ~

"Oh my!" Lucy ran up to the duo who just came home. "Are you moving in, Y/n? I'll kick Kanekuro out! Oh wait.. you can share a room with me instead!" She then embraced the girl lovingly. "Wa~ you're just so cute!"

Y/n did not know what to do. This was her first time being hugged by someone who isn't her mother, plus Lucy is pretty too! She's so flustered to be the lucky one getting hugged by her.

Luca looked at the scene with envy. "Onee-chan, Y/n is my-"

"Oh! I made dinner, come eat with us before you two study." Lucy took Y/n to the kitchen, Luca frowning as he trails behind them.

"Eat some more, Y/n! I don't want having a sister-in-law that's thin.."

"Ah that's alright, I'm already quite full.."

"What? But you haven't had my 'Lucy's specials' desserts!" Lucy took her homemade desserts out from the freezer. It was cupcakes?

Luca laughed nervously because of his sister's behaviour. "We'll be in my room if you need us. Come, Y/n." His last two words seemed like a warning.

Y/n nodded at Luca's words. "He's right, we have a science test tommorow and it's really difficult so we'll be studying now-"

Watching the two lovebirds walk away, Lucy shouted one last thing. "If you need me, call me!"

Luca sighed as he arrived in his room. "Man.. I'm going to take a shower," He opened the door to the bathroom and waited at the doorway, looking at Y/n.

"What?" Y/n titled her head.

"Are you not going to join me?" Luca smirked.

Y/n's face reddened at his words. "But L-Luca we just- I mean I would to save up time but it isn't right you know-"

Luca walked to his flustered girlfriend who seemed to be getting more redder by the second. "What's not right?" He leaned down to her.

Y/n looked away from his torso, he was shirtless! Him being so close to her made her situation worse. She then felt being carried. "Luca!"

"We're saving time!" Luca brought her to the bathroom.

Kanekuro had one of his eye twitching in annoyance due to the sounds he's been hearing. "Are they actually studying?"

"I think they're studying Biology." Lucy sighs. "Our baby brother is growing up too fast.."

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