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Luca sighed, his mother has suddenly been videocalling with him for the tiring duration of four hours. That's four hours wasted not spending time with his beloved Y/n.

"And remember Luca, if mama wants this many grandchildren," His mother held up five fingers. "I want two times more than what I asked for." She huffed.

"W-What?! Mama me and Y/n aren't even married yet!" The blonde blushed, covering his face with his hands.

His mother narrowed her eyes and clicked her tongue. "Yet." Her gaze then softens, so does her tone. "My baby, I was really happy for you when you said her guardians accepted you,"

Luca lowered his hands and glanced to the side. "Thank you, mama." A small smile made it way to his face.

"I won't bother you anymore, your examinations results are going to be released so I'm looking forward to it my baby!" His mother fist pumped the air.

"I will. Bye, I love you mum." After earning a bye and an I love you back from his mother, he ended the call. Luca finally relaxed, placing his laptop onto the bedside table and laid on his bed.

When he laid down, he held onto Y/n who was almost asleep. "I'm tired." Luca mumbled from her neck.

"Then go to sleep." Y/n tiredly says.

Luca's so lucky her parents and her brother are going overseas for a week. Of course when he arrived, he found a letter from her brother Kanae addressed to 'Y/n's lover' which of course was the blonde.

The contents of the letter were words of kind words directed to him such as don't hold her, don't touch her, don't look at her, don't sleep with her and don't ever ever EVER kiss her.

Who's to tell her brother that he's been breaking the rules that was set up? Luca's known for being a delinquent popular guy anyway.

Luca whined at her words. "I want your attention!"

Y/n turned to look at him, a smile on her face but oh god she looked so tired. "It's good to be bold Luca, your girlfriend must lucky to have you being so straightforward with her."

A finger booped her nose. "You're my girlfriend silly but I think I should be the lucky one." Luca scooted closer and held her tight. "If it wasn't for Shoto, I wouldn't be speaking to you ever."


"Let's not talk about him,"

Hearing sourness in Luca's tone, Y/n decided to change the topic. "Are you really sure about... this?"

Luca hummed as asking what she meant. "I meant about us, are you sure we'd really work-"

"Cub, I would do anything in the world to make you mine with no sense of giving up if you break up with me."

"I'm not saying-"

Luca cuts her off from speaking by pushing her head on his chest, hands on her shoulder and head. "Waa.. I don't hear my girlfriend anymore! Y/nie are you sleeping? You must be sleeping, aw man!"

Under his grasps and tight hold, Y/n tried so hard to pry his hands off of her. "Wuca!"

"Gahhh.. if only you'd be awake to hear me say I would never take you for granted or leave you for another person. Or.. when I say I wish I could marry you right then and there when I first met you but I couldn't because we're still.."

Luca noticed his lover wasn't moving. "Y-Y/n?!" The blonde sat up in the bed, watching over his unresponsive lover.

"God, you wouldn't stop talking and I was suffocating between your huge pecs."

"Hey!" Luca blushed.

"Luca," Y/n called out.

There was a moment of silence, the two stared at each others' eyes deeply. Luca was smiling when he stared at her, a warm feeling in his body whereas Y/n was looking back at him with a heavy heart.

How can I tell him in the nicest way possible?

Luca's smile fell when he finally notices Y/n's troubled look. "Yeah? Is there something bothering you, babe?" He asked in a whisper, gently holding her as if she was fragile.

"I'm not someone who's.. your level. Are you sure about this? About us?" Y/n looked.. sad.

Luca looks at his lover in disbelief. "Y/n.." His eyes were in a verge of tear. "Hey, please don't ever say that again." He says scolds her softly, holding her close.

"I love you for who you are. You're pretty, smart, lovable, cute, funny, caring... you're my everything. Ah, whenever you get tired and look for me just to help with your sleep, I really felt like I'm someone special to you.

I meant what I said when I wouldn't replace you for anything in the entire world, I've never felt this feeling before you came. Y/n, you're the light of my life. You're the one who saved me. I love you, I really do. Please don't ever doubt yourself, please don't ever say those words ever again."

Luca closed his eyes shut, giving his lover a long kiss on the forehead. "I love you so much, my lion cub."

Y/n smiled at his words. It made her feel confident and loved. "Thank you, Luca. That meant a lot to me." She kisses the corner of his mouth.

"You mean a lot to me." Luca chuckled quietly. "You mean a lot to me because I want you to marry you."

Y/n widened her eyes at his revelation. "Luca, that's too early to-"

"Hush, I'm not finished." Luca pouts, placing a finger on her mouth.

"I'm the one who confessed. So keep in mind that whoever confesses makes the move to break up with the other. I'm telling you right now, I will never break up with you. Never.

Stop being negative, cub. Focus on the us today. We never had fights, misunderstandings? We talk it with each other. Friends? Yeah we hang out with them a lot alone but at least we made it up by going on dates together.

Family? My family loves you and your family.. well although I haven't met your biological parents, I know you don't want any connections to them so your parents who took care of you are more than enough. Reimu's my senpai so of course I know her, along with Petra and Peter.

Y/n please, you bewitched me ever since I laid my eyes on you two years ago. You were quiet, I was loud. Opposites attract don't they? So of course we're made for each other. Please don't think of me ever leaving you."


The door banged open. "Kaneshiro Luca! What are you doing in my sister's bed?!"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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