checked off

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Luca couldn't get his mind off of Y/n's adorable sleeping face. Every time it comes to mind, he would get heated and blush uncontrollably.

He took a deep breath before opening the classrooms door but someone from the other side beats him by opening it first.


It was Y/n and her eyebags were less darker. The girl looked up to Luca and smiled. "Good morning, Kaneshiro-san!"

Luca's heart felt like it was shot by a love arrow from cupid. He calmed himself before speaking to the girl. "Mom- I mean.. G-Good morning y/n!"

His eyes then fall to the papers she was holding. "Where are you headed to?" He asked curiously with his usual charming smile.

Luca had never seen Y/n out of the classroom, let alone be told to send things to the teacher's office. "She's with me, Luca." Ike answered for Y/n from behind.

"Shu, Vox and Mysta are all inside waiting for you. Please don't stand in front of the door.." Luca gave Ike a little 'sorry' before moving himself to the side.

It was kind of frustrating to him that Ike needed her instead of Shu who was usually the one going with Ike. Luca pouted, entered the class and sat on his seat.

He was fumbling and theorising why Ike had y/n to help him. Maybe it was because he greeted her good morning yesterday? He nods to himself and thinks he's right.

When Mysta greeted her good morning, y/n paid him back with letting him borrow her homework.

His friends noticed his behaviour and decided to sit around him. "What's up with you?" Mysta asked him from behind.

"Get off Y/n's seat."

Mysta raised his hands in the air and obeyed what he said. "Oh my god."

"Is this about the girl you like?" Shu asked out of no where.

Luca blushed and shook his head profusely. "N-No! I don't like anyone! What makes you say that?!"

Vox and Shu stared at him, thinking wether he was serious or not. "Bro, you literally told me off when I sat on Y/n's seat." Mysta stated with crossed arms.

"Okay but that doesn't mean I like her..!" Luca defended himself.

Shu thought of an idea and decided to test his theory. "You know, I saw y/n's eyebags were not that dark. Now that I've looked at her eyes, she's kind of cute,"

Luca stared at his friend, terrified. "You don't mean that.. right?"

Vox raised an eyebrow at the blonde's words. "I-I mean she is cute! Y/n is adorable! But Shu, you don't think she's cute do you? I mean she is! You were joking right?!"

His friends all looked at each other and smiled at their golden retriever friend's actions. When Luca noticed what was going on and what they were plotting from the beginning, he stopped talking as heat began to rush to his face.

"W-Waaa!! You guys are such bullies! Yes, I do like her but how do I know she likes me too?!"

His friends smiled.

"You should ask her what she likes!"

"Get to know her a little more better,"

"Put a love spell on her."

Shu flinched at Vox's 'advise'. "No. Vox that's not how it works.."

The raven haired shrugged. "I have a paper of Ike's full name put in a small jar I sealed with wax placed under my bed." His friends looked at him in disbelief.

"It works,"

"Delusional bitch," Vox turned his head to the talker slowly.

"What'd you say, boy?" Mysta stuck out his tongue and ran out of the class with Vox chasing him out.

Shu sighs and massaged his temples. "I hope they'll be back before homeroom.." he then turned his attention back to his troubled friend.

"Listen Luca, whatever she did that made you fell in love with her, you should mention it when you confess."

Talking from the door could be heard making Shu point at the direction with his thumb. "Start talking a lot more with her, go for first name basis! Don't overwhelm her though, I've seen how she panicked."

Shu patted Luca's back before going off to talk with Ike.

"You have a lot of friends Kaneshiro-San," y/n said from her seat.

"Luca. Please call me by my first name Y/n,"

There was a little blush displayed onto y/n's face. "Luca.. alright, got it!" She smiled.

Seeing how awkward it was after that tiny conversation, Luca decided to bring up yesterday's situation to keep their conversation going. "How was your sleep by the way?"

Y/n's expression sparkled at the topic. "I slept so nicely all thanks to you, Luca. Your hands were warm too," Luca felt his heart flutter at the compliment she gave him.

"Oh yeah, Y/n, you mentioned you stayed at the school's dormitory?"

Y/n nodded, confirming his words. "I do. It's much easier and quicker that way,"

"How many people can stay in one room?" Luca asked, with his hands crossed and he laid his head on it.

The blond was being comfortable when he heard her voice. It's so soothing and calming, it almost made him fell asleep himself.

"Well usually there's two or more in one room but I-"

"Kaneshiro turn your attention to the front, please."


Luca hasn't noticed their conversation made its way to first period. Luca gave Y/n a small sorry shrug before turning his whole attention towards the front.

Somehow, Luca internally is mad at himself because he chose to be seated in front of y/n. He could still remember what happened during random seating picks.

"Hey, you got 7 right?" Luca asked his classmate who is intimidated by his scary aura.


"Switch with me. I have bad eyesight."

Luca sighs. If only he he chose another number which was behind y/n he could have had the opportunity to stare at her back. But oh well, at least he's gets to see her whenever the teacher gives them papers to give out by line.

The blond smiled. He has the best life ever!

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