cause you're the joker

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"I can't believe Mysta got a fucking free pass because he handed his homework!" The raven haired student pointed a finger to the other brit. "How the fuck did you do it, boy?"

Mysta with a sneaky sly grin raised both his hands to both his sides. "I don't know bro, maybe because I fucking did it!" He shouted at the end.

Ike shushed the group of boys, apologising to the PE teacher. Walking to his friends, the swede sighed. "Please don't shout Mysta.."

"Oh! And how did it go with the girl?" Ike mentioned about Mysta's encounter with Y/n in the morning.

"She's so nice! I can't believe I never met her before," Mysta said, catching a ball being thrown at him and him tossing it to someone else. "She's really cute too.. What was her name again?" He turned to Luca.

Luca aggressively throws a ball back to his other classmate before answering the brit. "Y/n L/n. Also, you should keep your promise when you said you'd never ask for the homework from her again."

Mysta raised his hands in a surrendering manner. "Jesus, man, chill out. Yes, I will stick to my words homie plus I won't steal your girl."

Luca caught a ball and looked at Mysta with a flustered face. "S-She's not my girl! In fact, she will never will be mine!" He threw the ball onto an unsuspecting person who was standing still.

"Wah! L/n look out!" Ike warned her but it was all too late as she was hit on the head. "Oh my god, I think she died!" Vox over reacted.

Luca quickly rushes to the girl's side. "Y/n! Are you okay? What's my name? Do you remember me? Please dont die!"

Dizzy, the girl in his hands answered quietly. "Yes, Luca, yes. I feel like it." She lets out a pained groan, finally feeling the pain from the dodgeball after she finished answering the blond.

"Um, coach! Can I take her to the nurse's office?" Earning a nod from the teacher, Luca picked up the girl and walked her out of the sports hall.

Y/n stared up at the ceiling the whole time she was carried by Luca. She was in constant thoughts of trying to find ways for her to fall asleep.

She's actually very surprised that the strong hit on the head from the ball thrown by a literal big buy didn't knock her out.

Shame, I was looking forward for sleep..

"Hi there, she got hit on the head by a ball thrown by me. Can she rest here for a while?" Luca asked the nurse on duty when they entered the nurse's office.

The nurse nods, opening a curtain to show an unoccupied bed. "Of course, she can rest here." When Luca placed y/n on the bed, the nurse sighs.

"I'm not surprised to see you here again y/n, please rest. I'll be on the other room if you need me,"

Y/n feeling ashamed, frowned. To top it up, she doesn't know what to do or say since Luca is still here besides her. She was fighting with herself, debating wether she should tell him about her condition or not.

In the end, she decided to tell him. "You see Kaneshiro-san.. I have a thing called insomnia and I most usually pass out at the halls mostly when the school ends. I was never like this before but when I started high school, it just came up unsuspectedly."

Y/n shifted her position on the bed to look at Luca completely. "The thing is, I have insomnia. I can barely sleep at night due to my condition and if you don't mind me using your favour.. can you help me fall asleep?"

Luca smiled at the girl. "Of course! I'm very good with kids so I know strategies how to make them fall asleep quickly."

That's what he got from what I just said?!

Luca fixes Y/n's head to make her lay completely straight. "Don't worry, it'll be quick and you won't even notice it!" He placed a hand onto her eyes, the other hand slowly petting her head.

Y/n felt herself getting drowsy due to the temperature of Luca's warm hand and the sweet lullaby he sang for her.

Luca when he noticed y/n not moving an inch, moved his hands away in worry. When he placed his face near the girl's he sighed in relief.

The blond then looked at Y/n's peaceful sleeping face. He blushed, she was so pretty when she sleeps.

° • ~

Y/n opened her eyes to be met with Luca's purple ones. Her eyes widened and she sat up as Luca backed away on his seat.

"What period is it now?"

"It's period five. You slept for two hours." Luca stated.

"What?!" Trying to get off of the bed, Luca stopped her by pulling her arm.

"It's alright, it's free period right now. The others are in the library and it's almost break time so," Luca made the girl sit back down on the bed. "Relax okay? It's alright for you to rest every once and a while." He reassured her.

Y/n smiled at his words, feeling comfort when he said them. "I got some snacks too! I got you strawberry milk but if you got thirsty for h²o, I got you water!"

Luca grabbed his bag to show her what he got. He looked like a kid showing his mom what treats he got during Halloween.

"This is for you, and this and also this."

Y/n sweat dropped at the amount of things he got for her. "Luca this is too much. Can I pay you back?"

The aussie stopped and slowly raised his head to look at her. "What."

"I said can I pay-"

She was cut off by Luca showing bread into her mouth. "Itadakimasu! It's good right? Let me open the strawberry milk for you!"

Y/n died and cried on the inside. She can't get used to this!

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A/n: live laugh love Shoto
(Don't mind my % haha)

A/n: live laugh love Shoto(Don't mind my % haha)

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