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This morning was quite chaotic to our favourite lovable blonde. When Luca ran to school with full speed, he suddenly stopped in tracks. "Fuck! I forgot my lunch-" He turned around only to be surprised by his siblings.

"Here you go!" Lucy handed him his lunch. Kanekuro stood behind her with the same uninterested look.

"Thank you.. What are you doing here?" Luca asked them, wary of their actions.

Lucy noticed his behaviour, placing a hand on her chest seeming as if she's hurt. "Ara? Our baby brother has his guard up when we're following him!"

"Who wouldn't be?" Kanekuro intejects, earning a painful elbow hit on the stomach.

"We heard you finally got that cute girlfriend of yours!" Lucy smiled in joy.

"Correction, you did."

Having no patience with her raventte brother, the female blonde grotted her teeth in annoyance. "Kanekuro, I swear I will hit you somewhere where the sun won't shine if you keep arguing with me."

Hearing said words, Kanekuro raised his hands up in surrender. Lucy turned back to her blonde brother, bouncing in happiness and anticipation. "When do we get to see her again?"

"This is literally why I had to run. I wanted to see her early in the morning.." Luca sighed. "How does this weekend sound?"

"Good but how about now like literally right now?" Lucy debated.

Luca knew this would happen, he doesn't want to spend an entire ten minutes debating with her. "How about in four days?"

Lucy hummed. "This evening?"

Luca groaned, a hand placed over his face. "Tomorrow, final offer. Take it or leave it."


Relieved that they're in an agreement, Luca continued his way to school but he still hears footsteps following him which kind of irritates him.

"What do you want, now?" Luca turned to them.

Lucy had an innocent look on her face. "We're going to visit some old friends." She stated.

Luca pointed to his school. "Here???"

Kanekuro nodded, still not saying a word after he surrendered defeat towards his older sister. "But you already graduated and Kanekuro dropped out last year."

"Pfft, we know! Words got out that a dear wifey of mine is going to be teaching there!"

"But you can't enter.."

Lucy huffed. "Watch me!" She walked to a security guard who's guarding the gate. The two brothers watched as she giggled and twirled her hair, the guard blushing intensely.

"I hate it here." Kanekuro blurted out. "That's your girlfriend right?" The raven pointed to someone walking towards the school.

Luca beamed in joy. "It is!" He ran up to her, not caring about his siblings anymore. "Good morning, Y/n~"

Y/n looked up from a book she was reading. "Good morning, Luca." She then noticed the two people outside the school gate. "Why are your siblings-"

"Woohoo! Let's get to class so I can talk with you more!"

° • ~

A student slid the door open harshly, banging it in process. "I fucking knew it!" Mysta pointed at the two lovebirds who was peacefully talking about their stuff. "I told you he'd come early just to talk with her, pay up Eveland." Mysta handed his hand out waiting to receive his bet prize.

Ike groaned, taking out a hundred yen and handed it to the brit. "Thank you~" Mysta grinned, walking to his seat. The swede rolled his eyes at the brit's happiness of winning a bet he didn't even agree to.

The class president walked to the two lovebirds after placing his bag on his desk. "How are you two doing?"

Luca glanced at his girlfriend who was blushing, he grinned at the sight and replied to Ike. "We're good!" He raised Y/n's hand on the table and brought it to his lips to kiss the back of it. "I still can't believe I'm not dreaming,"

"You guys are so PDA, I hate it." Mysta joined in with a frown.

Luca then remembered a random memory in his head. "Oh yeah guys, my sister said that she's visiting an old friend."

Mysta and Ike's face both darkened, an unhappy expression displayed on both their faces.

"I'm sorry, what's going on?" Y/n looked at her friends in confusion due to their expressions.

"My sister isn't known for very well reasons here.." Ike said. "She's nice but rumours about her are.. out of line,"

Seeing Ike's hurt expression, Mysta decided to step in to change the subject. "Speaking of siblings, have you met Luca's siblings before?"

Luca eyed the girl sitting across from him. "I have actually." His eyes widened by the fact they've already met her. "It happened when you were sick," Y/n directed to the blonde.

"Oh.. haha.."

° • ~

Luca decided he wanted to spend more time with Y/n as his boyfriend in her dorm. When he entered, he was amazed by how clean and neat it was, but confused how there's only one bed.

"You dorm alone?" Luca asked her.

"Uh yeah, I tend to stay up to read books with lights on so I didn't want anyone to be my roommate." Y/n then jolted, remembering something.

She ran to her closet and picked up a jacket. "Here, sorry it took me long to give it back to you. I've already washed it."

Luca walked up to the girl and kissed her head. "You can keep it,"

He's so tall.

Y/n huffed and placed the jacket away. She sat next to Luca on her bed. "Why do you like me?"

Luca hummed, searching for an answer in his head. "Love at first sight?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows together. "That's not true."

The blonde growled and attacked the girl softly and pushed her to the bed. "It is! And look where it got us now!" He hugged her from behind and snuggled up close to her.

Seeing no point in arguing, Y/n sighs. "I guess you are right,"

"Want me to help you with sleep?" Luca mumbled on her shoulder. The girl nodded, making Luca pull her closer. "I'm going to pat your head, put your ear on my chest."

Y/n doesn't know his new strategy but decided to follow along. She did as told and listened to his heartbeat. It was calming, the rhythm of his beating heart seemed to match hers.

Slowly but surely, Y/n felt herself drifting to sleep. Before being fully unconscious, she felt a kiss on her forehead and the words: "I love you,"

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