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"How does tea sound for you?" Y/n asks the feverish blonde.

Weakly but audibly, Luca managed replied. "I think that's good for me and I like tea so sure!" Y/n took note of his answer and prepared him the said beverage.

Luca likes Y/n being with him. Her presence calms him down even when he did something terrible. To him, kissing someone who is unconscious and not expecting it is terrible.

What makes it worse to him is that Y/n is a girl he actually genuinely really likes! So if she were to ever find out via himself or either of his friends, he couldn't imagine the outcome.

Luca was thinking of what would happen in the future if Y/n were to hate him. Heck, he even thought the worst scenario which was Y/n taking revenge on him by going out with someone else.

"Y/n, do you like me?" He blurted out unexpectedly.

The girl turned to him, giving a little nod as reply. "Of course I do, who wouldn't like you?" She placed his tea down in front of him.

Convinced that it was a friendly answer, Luca pushed further. "Well if you meant a friendly way, then I do too. But I'm talking about the other like y/n.."

Y/n titled her head in confusion. "I know what you meant but I rather have an actual conversation with you about this when you're feeling all better." She crossed her arms.

Luca placed his mug back onto the table after he finished drinking it, hesitating to correct her. Both of his hands clenched into fists.

Standing up from his seat and walkinh over to the girl. A shadow looming over his eyes, they weren't visible for y/n to see.

"L-Luca..?" The girl whispered, concerned and scared. The said male just pinned her onto the wall, scaring the girl more. "Luca, this isn't funny-"

His hands drooped to her shoulders, his own shoulders were moving and there was.. sounds of sniffles coming from him. "I'm sorry Y/n," he apologised.

"I'm sorry for what I did and I didn't mean to ignore you. I was so scared of what you'd think of me!" Luca then embraced her, repeating the words 'I'm sorry' over and over again.

All y/n could do was return the hug and patted his back to comfort him further. "Let's talk about it when you get better okay?" The blonde nodded, his head in the crook of her neck.

"Let's take you to your room, maybe the tea was too hot for you,"

~ ~ ~

Luca laid comfortably in his bed, a wet towel on his forehead placed by y/n. She sat on his bed, looking at his sleeping face. "Whatever you did, I forgive you." She says, placing a kiss onto the side of his forehead.

"I like you too, Luca. But we're two completely different people from different worlds." Saddened by the harsh reality that was logical to her, she pushed further. "We can't be together you know,"

Time flies very slowly to her, she wasn't thinking straight. Then thoughts started flooding in her head.

"Why do you like me?" She asked the sleeping blonde. Knowing he wouldn't answer, she continued talking to herself. "I don't have the looks or the brains for it. I'm just average."

"I'm not even that interesting." She continued. "So why do you like me?"

Shaking off the negative thoughts, she convinced herself that she's enough. "What am I thinking? This isn't good.." She then looked back at the sleeping Luca.

"You're adorable," she smiled. Getting off the bed, she twisted the doorknob of the door only to be met by his older siblings.

"Ah-" A blonde woman blushed. A ravenette next to her was leaning onto a wall, eyes closed and arms crossed. "I told you we shouldn't eavesdrop." He mumbled to his sister.

The blonde girl had a look that said 'please don't shout' she pulled y/n out of Luca's room and closes the door.

"You're pretty, what's your name? I've never seen you before! Are you Luca's friend? Are you classmates?"

Getting irritated, her raventte brother shuts her up. "Shut up, Lucy."

"Hmph!" Lucy pouted, crossing her arms. "You're mean, Kanekuro!"

Kanekuro rolled his eyes and turn his attention to the smaller girl. "Name." He simply asked more like, demanded.

"I'm uhh.. no one important!" Y/n answered. "I was just about to go home-"

Lucy cuts her off by giving her a sad look. "Aww.. but we just got here.. You should stay the night!"

Y/n shook her head and hands, refusing the suggestion. "N-No thank you! I live very far- I mean! My car? Uh yeah! Oh god I'm going to cry please don't hurt me!" She panicked.

"Sweetie we're not going to hurt you! We're not bad people!!" Lucy tried to calm her down. "Am I though?" Kanekuro jumped in, making y/n her hardest not to let her tears out.


"Whatever," he rolled his eyes and leaves the hallway.

Lucy wiped Y/n's eyes to assure her everything's alright. "Please don't mind him, he's a bit of a sensitive person."

"Oh.. okay,"

"Um, before you leave.. May I know your name?"

"Y/n. My name is L/n Y/n," she finally answered. Lucy smiled, satisfied with the answer given. "You're the girl!" She squealed silently.

"The what girl?"

Lucy shook her head whilst smiling. "Don't mind that, now go home and rest up. Luca will be back at school tommorow. I'll make sure of it!"

"Okay..?" Confused yet relieved, y/n picked up her bag. "Can you please tell Luca I forgive him?" She asks, earning a thumbs up from Lucy before leaving.

~ ~

"What a nice girl! Now I understand why Luca is so obsessed with her!" Lucy chatted with Kanekuro who has little interest in the topic.

"Yu-huh," he nodded, not paying attention to her but his game.

Lucy stretched her arms, emerging herself on the couch. "If our baby brother doesn't make her happy, we'll beat him up!" She says with confidence.

Kuro looked at her, weirded out by her wording. "Why would we do that?"

Lucy shrugged. "I don't know,"

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