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Luca walked inside the classroom with a frown. Y/n texted him last night that she wasn't feeling well so she decided to skip a school day and turn in as sick.

When he raised his eyes from the ground, Luca saw something white. He rushed to the table, held it up and mumbled 'no' over and over again.

It was a love letter to Y/n from someone.

Yes, it wasn't placed on his table but on his girlfriend's. It doesn't seem like a big deal but Luca then regretted something, he regretted not telling the school he was dating the cute loner girl in his class.

"Oh, good morning Lu-"

"Mike!!!" Luca dropped his bag on the floor and cried to the class president.

Ike's face dropped into a monotone expression. "What is it, Kaneshiro?"

Luca with tears in his eyes, held up the letter for Ike to see and pointed Y/n's table.

"But didn't you already confessed to her?"

"Yes, but this letter is from someone else!"

Ike shushed him down for being loud. It was still early in the morning, class haven't started yet and majority of students who came early goes out from class to hang out with their friends from another class.

But Ike didn't want Luca to take the chance to spoil Y/n's only wish.

"Stop crying, it's going to be fine." Ike patted the crying golden retriever. "Besides, if you give it to Y/n and say its from someone else, she wouldn't even be interested."

"You really think so?"

Ike nodded and patted his shoulder. "I know so,"


"Luca!" Y/n smiled when she opened her dormroom door. Luca waved with plastic bags in his hands so Y/n quickly opened the door wider to let him in.

"I got you snacks, actual foods and pills." Luca exclaimed with a proud smile on his face.

Y/n is so grateful for having Luca as her lover but five bags worth of two weeks for just one person is too much!

"Thank you, Luca but this is too much!"

"You're my girlfriend, you don't have to pay me."

Y/n frowned. She forgot he was somehow rich too and arguing with him about his spendings would be useless.

"Well, thank you sweetie." Y/n placed a kiss on his cheek and checked for a painkiller from one of the bags.

Luca smiled widely, he's so happy she could rely on him.

"Oh yeah, there's homework for today." Luca placed his bag down and he searched for her work. Pulling it out from his bag, another thing fell out as well.

Y/n picked it up. "Aww a love letter.. for me?"

Luca was panicking, sweating profusely as he watched her open it to read.

"This isn't.." Y/n trailed off, not wanting to say another word about it.

Luca sighed in relief on the sight when his girlfriend folded the letter back closed and threw it in the trashcan.

° • ~

"Welcome back to school, are you feeling alright now?"

"Good morning, L/n-san. We hope you're feeling better now!"

"Welcome back! If you ever feel sick, the girls and I got your back!"

Y/n smiled awkwardly as she nods at everyone's greets and wishes. Walking beside her was Luca who's confused that the whole class knows she exists now.

"You talk to them?" Luca whispered down to his girlfriend's level.

Y/n shook her head. "I'm confused. I think it feels nice.. but I don't like it,"

"Too much attention?"

"Very much attention.."

Luca stretched his arms outwards, studying has really been taking a toll on his muscle strength. He turned around and sees Y/n sleeping on her arms.

As a caring boyfriend that he is, he took off his jacket that he always has on him and placed it on her shoulders.

The door to the class opened, a person with glasses with his bangs down jolted when he sees Luca with Y/n.

"Oh, Kaneshiro. I-I thought you went home."

Luca leaned back on his chair, hands behind his head. "Nah, I decided to keep Y/n company." But he then sat straight, titting his head "Who are you?"

The purple haired male cleared his throat and fixed his hair to make his appearance seem appropriate. "I'm Hanamori Shoto, classmate of Yamino Shu."

Everyone knows whoever is in Shu's class are smart people. They are class 3-A for a reason.

"I'm one of the student council. In fact, I'm the president."

Luca's eyebrows knitted together. He is so confused. Did anything Luca and Y/n did together was a concern to him?

Shoto's cheek then turned to a tint of pink. "You see.."

Luca didn't like where this was going, he had a bad feeling about this. "I was going to ask you to-"

The student council president the stopped talking, the two boys looked at Y/n who stirred in her sleep. "What time is it, Luca?"

"It's fifteen minutes after school, we should really get you to your dorm."

Y/n groaned. "Okay," When she stood up, she finally noticed Shoto in the classroom. "Shoto."

"Hello Y/n-chan," He smiled.

Y/n turned to her boyfriend. "Luca, can you wait for me outside? It seems like he wants to speak with me alone."

Luca nodded. Picking up her bag along with his but not before he fixed his jacket onto Y/n more comfortably. "I'll see you outside then,"

"If this is about me joining, I don't want to. I'm terrible at the job plus, we're graduating this year.."

Shoto shook his head. "It's not about that, silly." He walked closer to her to be in a more comfortable speaking zone. "You see, I was hoping for you to help me with something."

"W-With what?"

"Meet me at your biological parents' house." Shoto said in a manner which was a bit uneasy.

"Wh- why would I do that? No!"

"Y/n, they want to see you."

Y/n shook her head. "No thank you. They abused me! Why would I go meet them?"

Shoto sighed in annoyance, placing a finger under her chin, making her look up to the him. Their faces were inches close to each other, Shoto didn't wish to kiss her but only to whisper some words. "You owe me."

He then parted from her, smiling as if nothing happened. "Well then, I guess I have to tell them you can't make it. You have dinner with Luca, right?"

Y/n nodded but she didn't relax yet, his voice seem to be venomous. "Great then, hurry along. We don't want your boyfriend waiting."

"Where did you.."

Shoto dragged her out the class along with him. "Bye, you two!" He waved at them and ran off.

When Y/n saw his figure disappear, she looked up to Luca. His eyes darkened, it was a scary sight for her to see. "Let's get you home,"

The blonde said to which his girlfriend agreed to with no hesitation. Whatever happened when he was outside, it seems like he wasn't alone.

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