📖the day i met you

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Trigger warning for this book will be listed below. Please read them before continuing the story. I'll tell you in advance, it's a darker story then my other ones.

-teacher x student (all in legal age)
-childhood trauma
-self harm
-sex trafficking

This is not a story for everyone, but if you liked my other stories like Skin and bones, my prisoner or Ruin me, trust me on this one :)

If any of these are too much for you, please make sure to click out and to take care of yourself. I am sure another one of my stories will be more suitable.


Now let us start with the matter at end.

the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

Also seen as the « love of wisdom »."

Minho spoke with a tall voice, so even the sleeping students in the back could hear him, could feel his voice echo into their ears. This was his very first day as a teacher, and he planned on making a good first impression. He was young, much more then most who started.

"Tell me, why do you think philosophy classes are an obligation in the school system?" He closed the projector, the one he had used to present himself, now leaving the class in only natural lighting that poured right through the windows.

A student raised his hand and Minho pointed at him.

"Because it's been like that for years" the student said with a tired voice.

"Yes, but have any of you ever wondered why? Why we in-force this on every single citizen?"

Not many reacted, most just avoided eye contact with him. He was a perl to look at, that much was certain. His deep brown eyes glowed, like sugar cubes in a black coffee. He wore a thigh white button up shirt, with the first three buttons hanging loose on his chest. His mouth curved into a smirk every time a student gazed away from his eyes.

All but one.

Another raised his hand, calmly, composed, like he had known the answer before the class had even started, before Minho had even opened his mouth.

"Mister perfect is at it again." A guy close to him said and a few students laughed, yet the one that had raised his hand did not even flinch at the comment.

"Yes?" Minho pointed at him and he lowered his hand down, regaining a neutral pose, his hands clasped together and his head standing still.

"I believe we study philosophy because it is the pillar on which the society lays on. It does not make everyone get along, but it allows us to elaborate subjects that seem taboo or controversial. I believe it is a system to make us understand, to make us question" he stopped for a moment and tilted his head, a strand of his brown hair falling out of place. "That is why I think we need it, just as we all learn maths, to be able to do basic numbers and think with them."

Minho smiled slightly.

"That is a great answer, thank you for participating..." he held his tongue as if he did not know the answer.

"Jisung." He was faster then he could even think. "The name is Jisung." He kept his face very still and his eyes so warm. It was his way of giving him a warm welcome.

"It should be Know-it-all." The same guy chuckled along with his friends, which finally made Jisung glide his eyes sideways to look at the guy up and down, painfully slowly.

"You underestimate how I would actually like that name. Contrary to you, people would actually believe it. If anyone called you that it would be pure irony."

The guy glared at him, whilst trying to understand what he had just said. Minho also stood back, not knowing how to deal with this kind of situation.

"What did you say?" He clenched his fingers on his desk, throwing more then one glare at jisung, who rested calmly.

"You heard me. I called you an idiot"

The class reacted in different waves until Minho clapped his hands once and caught their attention again.


He brought Jisung's attention back to him, his calm eyes sending chills in him.

"I will finish class without another fuss, jisung ill see you after class." Minho spoke and as he said so, he realized it was unsettling to picture the two alone, as if Jisung had the mouth of a snake. Venomous.

"Alright...sir" he spoke lastly, as if it was the first time he had ever gotten in trouble. With that Minho resumed the class, answering questions and going through each point with such purpose. Jisung was one of the few who actually took notes down, keeping his entire focus on each word he spoke. Once it was over, a few students left and Minho got to answer some questions, smiling through them, because he did love to teach. Even if he was probably only a few years older then most in this class.

After a few minutes the students cleared and only a still figure stood, as if it was another chair or another table, perfectly still.

"Am I going to get in trouble?" Jisung lifted his eye brows, which was the most reaction he's seen from him. He then tilted his head amusingly, as if he already knew the answer.

"Not more then your classmate is" he spoke calmly, flipping through notes.

"So detention?"

"No such things, I'll just have you read extra pages for next class."

Jisung chuckled lowly and laid his back against a desk, crossing his arms.

"You call that a punishment?" He smiled widely and Minho seemed to tense, without really knowing why, he just did.

"You're pushing the line, should I add to that?"

"Please do." There was this teasing smile spread on his lips, permanently irritating Minho.

"Then I'm sure you won't mind staying after school hours to reorganize the entire essay section"

"Do I get extra credit?"

"Do you ever just..." Minho stopped and sighed, rubbing his eyebrows. "Yes you would get extra credit. I'm pretty sure you'll find a way to sue me if I don't."

"You learn fast sir" he got off the desk and grabbed his things. "Welcome to our school, new guy" he chuckled as he said so and headed to the door, leaving Minho breathless.

"See you after classes...eh..." he went to add to that, but seemed to have forgotten.

"Jisung." He corrected, like he knew. "My name is Jisung" he repeated and Minho nodded, both holding the other's gaze.

He left without looking back, suddenly, leaving his new teacher alone. Minho sighed once more and sat at his desk.

"Jisung..." he repeated lowly, trying to memorize the way it sounded, like each syllable meant the world. He did not know it yet, but that name would change his life.

The bell rang and he jumped slightly, looking around to realize he was done for the day.

"One day at a time..." he took his things and stepped out of his class.

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now