📖hiding you

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Minho parked in front of his apartment and turned off the engine. He got out of the car and waited for Jisung to do the same before heading with him to his door. He unlocked it and pushed it opened.

"I'm sorry it's kind of a mess..."

"I really don't mind"

They both went in and jisung closed the door behind him. Minho didn't even remember the last time he had someone over, someone that wasn't Chan at least.

He wasn't expecting it to be his student.

"I'll order some pizza, does that sound good to you?"

"Anything is fine..." he took off his shoes and looked inside, calmly, not daring to really move.

"I'll get the couch ready for you, the remote is all yours if you want to watch something."

"I..." he took a step and stopped, nervously looking at Minho. "I just want to thank you...for all of this..."

"It's alright, now lay down, you must be tired"

"Right..." he said and went to the couch, while Minho got on a phone call. He hung up once the pizza was ordered and stood in the kitchen, not knowing where to go from here. Jisung was very reluctant about opening up. It seemed like he would never get a straight answer out of him.

He walked to the living room and handed Jisung a glass of water, which he gladly took, putting it immediately to his lips.

"Need anything else? A shirt maybe?"

"I've already asked much of you...I'll be fine"

"Alright but if you need anything...or anyone to talk to about...what ever you're afraid of...I'm here" Minho said and Jisung avoided his eyes.

"I would rather not...but thank you"

Minho nodded and went to his room, sighing. He got a pair of boxers he has never worn, and a very loose t-shirt with that, one he particularly liked. He headed back to the living room and handed it to Jisung, who blushed immediately.

"They are fresh new, you are free to take a shower if you want..." he didn't look at him when he handed him the clothes. Jisung, with a flushed out face, casually took them and put it to his chest. Minho showed him the bathroom and he went to change.

When he came out, with only what he had given him, Minho widened his eyes, realizing that he wasn't wearing any pants. He turned around fairly quickly, before Jisung could see.

"Does it fit?" The shirt was loose, which was perfect because it covered his lower half.

"Yes." He said very calmly, then heading back to the couch and sitting down.

It's even shorter sitting down.

What the hell had Minho gotten himself into?

Since the older clearly panicked, he went to the kitchen to just look at the wall, this was too much for him. First week of being a teacher and one of his students is in his living room, wearing his clothes.

The door bell rang and Jisung's head popped up.

"Could you get the pizza? I'll be there in just a second" Minho said out loud and heard his delicate footsteps walk across the floor. He heard the door open and then pure confusion, even if he did not see it right away.

He walked out of the kitchen and found his very nightmare.

Chan was standing in tue doorway, a hidden smirk on his lips. He couldn't know that this was his student.

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