📖You and I

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"We've crossed many lines..." Minho said lowly as he gave scratches down Jisung's warm back. They were still on his bed, rather quiet. Jisung had requested his touch and Minho had obeyed.

"Yes...we have..." jisung replied, a calm tone. "Do you regret anything?"

"No...but it leaves me to wonder whats next for the two of us..."

"I don't want this to be the last time." Jisung said rather quickly and hid his face when he realized how desperate he sounded, which made Minho stop moving. "I don't mean to make it worst but...I don't see myself ignoring you, I don't want to pretend like this doesn't mean anything. Because it does."

Minho took his hand and placed it on his chest.

"So...you want us to get closer?"

"Yes, I would like that, a lot." Jisung got on his back and played with Minho's fingers, thinking of how soft they were. They both laid down and it wasn't long before they fell asleep, both now with their eyes shut and a steady breath.


The next morning was quite a rough one.

Jisung had woken him up at 5 am accidentally, because he had thrown up multiple times. Minho doesn't remember him getting out of bed, only that he heard him from the bathroom.

The older had gotten up and held Jisung hair, since it was getting longer now. He caressed his back and brought him water.

"Must have been something I ate..." Jisung said once he had stopped vomiting.


"No, in my house, there isn't much food, but when there is it's mostly expired...this happens often" he said and Minho wiped his mouth with a warm towel.

"I will bring you lunch at school then .." Minho spoke and Jisung nodded, not having much strength to hold him or smile.

"Thank you" was all he could say.

They had gone back to bed shortly after and Minho had not been able to sleep, he could only look at Jisung peacefully resting his head against his shoulder.

"I want to save you..." he whispered.


When Jisung woke up again, Minho was on his phone, checking some reports for the class, so Jisung lazily stretched to him and kissed his stomach. It immediately caught his attention.

"It's Saturday already?" Jisung mumbled and stayed close to him.

"Yes, I have to work on correcting some paper work today, you can stay as long as you'd like...and also order some food if you want to, there are video games in the drawers under the television."

"You're the best" Jisung got up slowly to plant a kiss on his cheek, slowly but surely. Minho blushed slightly and remained calm, even if his heart was racing. "Could I ask a question?"

"Ask away"  

"When did you...know you wanted...me?" Jisung asked, choosing each word carefully. He then looked at him with eyes that wanted answers, some Minho did not even know himself.

"I'm not sure...I pushed down anything I felt the past weeks, but when we kissed I just..." Minho said, still feeling guilty for enjoying it. "You make me feel good just by looking at me, I can't really explain it"

"Would you have made advances on me if I didn't first?"

"No, I don't believe I would have..." Minho said honestly and Jisung crawled on his lap.

"What if we had met outside of school? At a bar. Main Street, wearing a thigh suit and leather pants. You and me at the bar. Then what?"

"I would perhaps buy you a drink, maybe flirt a little bit...what about you?"

"I'd flirt back, invite you to go outside and take some air" Jisung pressed his chest against Minho's. "After that it's simple"

"I know, but describe it, step by step"

They were centimetres apart, barely anything standing between them. Minho looked down at his lips and Jisung smiled.

"I'd pretend I was cold so I could take your jacket...then I'd sit by a bench with you, thigh against thigh, your eyes on me. Then, you'd lean in and pull my chin up so I'd face your way. You'd kiss me more then you'd ever kissed someone, craved a touch, my touch." He explained and Minho closed the gap between them, kissing him sweetly. His heart melted and raced at the same time, sending chills in him. He then pulled him harshly on him and let Jisung lead the kiss. He was rough and passionate, digging his nails into his clothes.

Minho smiled through the kiss and leaned in even more.

When they pulled apart, he left the older with red cheeks and a smirk on his lips.

"Are you like this with everyone you sleep with?" Minho asked with a sly smile and Jisung shook his head.

"Like what?"

"Possessive...you tend to control, am I right?"

Jisung seemed taken aback, but didn't seem like he was going to deny that claim.

"Yes...I tend to be, but only with people I like..." he admitted rather coldly and Minho nodded. "I do not mean to do it...I will stop if it makes you uncomfortable"

"No actually...it's nice"

They both flushed and looked away calmly.


"I enjoy that side of you...do you know why you tend to be more controlling?"

"I don't know...I guess since I am a bottom" he said out loud, like it was the first time he had "And so having a bit of control makes me feel completed when i have...sex"

"I see...well feel free to with me"

Jisung smirked and crawled to him, going to grab his chin and pull him closely. He then licked Minho's bottom lip shamelessly and bit down into it.

"Good boy..." he whispered and Minho felt his own thoughts blur.

The older moaned and didn't move, only leaned in slightly. Jisung then put their lips close, but not completely, and let his breath roam on his bottom lip.

"Like that?"

"Just like that..."

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now