📖Bed time story

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Minho had ordered some food and Jisung was already eating it, like he hadn't in days. The older didn't eat much, he simply watched Jisung happily get some nutrition.

"So you like sushi then?" He smiled.

"I only ever tried this once before, it's been so long..."

Minho wanted to smile but he didn't, he wondered what his life was like, in his "home".

"Take as many as you want."

"I'll make it up to you you know..." Jisung blurred out and Minho tilted his head.

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"Is it not obvious..?" Jisung lifted a brow and Minho put his glass of water to his lips. "By having sex"

Minho almost spit out his water and held it in, making Jisung burst out laughing. Once Minho finally swallowed, he glared at Jisung who was still chuckling.

"You're not a shy person" he said with a smile and wiped the water on his chin. "But I'll have to decline"

"What?" Jisung said, offended.

Minho went to him until there was only a few inches distancing them.

"I won't do anything because you think you owe me something. When I make love I do it because I want to. I want you to feel the same way" it felt strange to be so opened about it, to be able to speak his mind.

"I see...you're a romantic..." he smirked and got closer as well. "What if i say that I want to...really badly."

"Have you ever even done this before?" Minho asked and liked that Jisung took a step back, as if triggered by the question.

"Yes...but never with people I really wanted to. And may I remind you I am 21...I am no virgin by any means"

"Alright then" Minho took another step and pulled his chin up between his fingers, looking down at his lips. "Should we continue where we stopped? Would that be something that is comfortable to you?"

"I don't like to think about it, let's just see where this goes" Jisung pulled him by the shirt and crashed their lips together. Minho groaned, as he would have rather have a direct answer. He needed a "yes" or a "no".

Regardless he kept kissing him, passing a hand through his hair, taking him by the waist, always making sure to be gentle. Jisung kissed roughly, like the only point was to go farther. Minho stopped him for a second. Like the first kiss they had shared, jisung had the same tendencies.

"Wait" he said lowly and Jisung looked his way.

"Did I do something wrong?" He hated being wrong, he could tell in his eyes.

"No it's just...you kiss very harshly. Well, but very fast and aggressive...let me show you a different way"

He leaned in gently and Jisung let him. He stayed still and felt lips press onto his. Minho slowly made them move in sync, controlling every move, every breath. He felt Jisung understand the flow and soon felt the younger join him. He kept this rhythm, which seemed to have some effects on them. Their heads spun and their bodies got closer, and closer.

When Jisung pulled away, he looked up at him with such eyes.

"Nobody has ever...kissed me quite like you just did...I-..." he spoke, before Minho kissed him again, wanting to feel his heart race like it had a few seconds ago.

Before they realized it, jisung was backed into a wall and his back laid on it, while Minho placed his palms each side of him. His face was red and glowing, which seemed to reflect on Jisung's burning skin.

"Bedroom" Jisung said against his lips and pushed himself off the wall.

This was dangerous, not only because of who they were outside of this, but because it was much more then a kiss or simply sleeping with someone. It was deeper and lustful.

Minho picked him up by the thighs and carried him to his bedroom, where he dropped him near the bed. Jisung, not seing where he was walking, backed into the bed and fell on it. There was a brief moment there, where Minho could have chosen to stop it once and for all.

But one look from his eyes and it was over.

Jisung lifted his foot up and placed it on Minho's chest, the younger smiling widely. Minho took a hold of his calf and pulled on it, drawing him closer, so much so that he was between his legs. Jisung laid on his elbows, feeling the soft sheets under him and couldn't help but tilt his head.

Minho seemed to stop moving and simply looked at Jisung, who laid under him so perfectly.

"What's wrong...? Don't tell me you're getting shy on me now" Jisung's voice was so different from what he used to hear, now it was tender and soft sounding.

"If we do this..." Minho started. "I need you to tell me, to promise me, that this is what you want."

"Hyung, I couldn't have given you more signs..."

"I know...but I need your word for it. That you truly want this. Not matter what happens after this between us."

"I am sure. If you want me to be even more clear. I want you...baby." he smirked slightly and bit part of his lip, pushing himself off the bed to have a better look at Minho.

The older one cupped his face and felt his heart beat through his entire body, every inch of his skin was pounding.

"I want them off" Minho tugged Jisung's shorts and the younger eagerly drew them off and placed himself on the bed board. Minho walked around the bed and took his own shirt off, pants soon after.  He joined him, taking him mouth onto his before Jisung could even get a word to tease him.

The mood somehow changed when Minho kissed his neck. He couldn't explain how, but he knew when Jisung shifted, his breath hallowed and his pulse quickened.

A shredded moan escaped his lips before he could afford to hide it, and Minho smiled against his neck. His back was arched and his hands clasped what they could. Jisung's chest was rising and falling with every kiss he received and his mind fogged.

"Ah-" he moved his head, so that Minho could have even more place to play with. The older still controlled himself. Jisung's body was fragile, soft, broken. He wanted to be careful around each scar, each curve, all while focusing on his pleasure as well.

"Jisung" he whispered in his ear and the younger blushed, pushing his hand down Minho's dark hair. The older bit down on his neck and Jisung moaned once more, throwing his head back.

"Ah- sir-" he said and Minho widened his eyes, but it was too late...jisung had already sensed every nerve in his body flinch and his stomach quiver. "Oh..." he said with a smile and Minho only kissed him more. "Didn't realize you liked being called-"

Minho pulled him close and their lips were almost joined together, but he kept a space to breath his air, to feel him. Jisung flushed and could do nothing but look at Minho, gracefully.

"I want you." The older said, abruptly, then kissing Jisung's hand.

"Then take me."

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