📖then we fall down together

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.2 months later.

Two agonizing months is what it was.

Minho sat at a bench, staring at the infinite sky. He was on a break from work, it wasn't much but it was better then now having any income. He didn't smile, he barely ate. He only slept well when he would dream of Jisung, only to wake up and cry himself back to sleep.

He was smoking again, at least three times a day, because then at least they was rotting from everywhere inside of him.

He had not looked at the news since, he didn't look at the articles regarding his death, because he knew what people would say. That it was a relief that a cold killer died, that he deserved it. He had yet to tell the police anything, even if they did ask him questions. News reporters would stop by at his new apartment sometimes, to try and get some truth out, but he ended up never speaking.

"I didn't really picture you for the pizza kind of guy." He knew that voice, officer Dean was standing by him in the alley way, hands in his pockets.

"Well I lost my job when someone falsely accused me, the school didn't want to be associated with that."

The man sighed and sat next to him.

"Why did you come here, Dean?" He said.

The other man simply took something out of his pocket, handing it to Minho.

"In the car he left. There was a letter, adressed to your name. The police department refused to have it handed to you...but I finally found a way to convince them for you to have it."

The letter laid on his lap and Minho felt tears swell in his eyes. He watched it carefully, watched his name in Jisung's handwriting.

"I thought it might help you get...some sort of closure."

"Thank you..." he said and held the letter.

"Oh and Minho, there was a question I meant to ask you. It won't be on the record."

"What do you mean?"

"I quit the force." He admitted and gave him a soft smile. "I couldn't stand by and watch another young student take his life the way Jisung did."

"That's...I'm impressed Dean."

"It was about time I did something." He said and looked at him. "Now for that question."

"Go ahead." He put the cigarette back on his lips and closed his eyes.

"What were the two of you...?"

Minho exhaled and kept his eyes closed.

"Are you a fan of Shakespeare, Dean?"

"I can't say that I am."

"Do you know Romeo and Juliette then?"

"Of course, everyone knows that story. Two tragic lovers."

Minho nodded.

"Yes well. I went to see the play the other day...and I think it's the best way of describing it."

The man looked at him strangely and frowned.

"But...in the end, both of them die."

"Look at me right now and tell me that I am alive. That I truly live." Minho stared so hard that Dean quivered, it did in fact, feel like he spoke to a ghost. "I died the day he did, but I'm tormented still. That's the difference between me and him."

Minho looked at the letter. He felt like hugging it, as odd as it was.

"Jisung said...jisung said he told you 'everything' one day...he never told me what exactly he told you."

The man lost his smile and looked in front of him at the clouds.

"He left out the murder part and told me everything else."

"Tell me." Minho gave him those eyes, he wanted answers, he wanted to know what Jisung had been so afraid of.

"Jisung told me...that his father as been sex trafficking him from the age of 4."

Minho lost it. All he could do was cry.


"His mom wasn't in the picture and his dad wanted money. He sold his own child to men who would pay enough, for what ever sick reason. Jisung was molested, hit, raped, for so long that he told me, he didn't really remember how it started."

"He...never told me..."

"He told me it's the only reason he got to go to university. He sold his body with his dad's client."

The hickeys.

The marks on his body.

The fear in his eyes.

The trauma.

The isolation.

Minho's hands were shaking.

"That boy has seen the world in its cruelest forme." Dean looked at the cigarettes and Minho handed him one. "I don't believe he knew what kindness was until he met you."

Minho nodded and cried.

"It all makes so much sense now..."

"I arrested his father and brought down many of his clients with Jisung's help."

"I...can't believe it..."

"I've known this for three months now and I still cannot understand how this boy was so bright. He had the best results and knew how to speak. He would have run the world if someone had saved him sooner."

"I guess we weren't soon enough."

He thought back on the ice, the snow piling on the river.

"No, we weren't."


When Minho arrived home, he placed the letter on the table and tore the top off, sliding the paper away and making sure to keep it as intact as possible.

He pulled out it's content and frowned.

It was a post card of an island with pink trees, a beautiful sight. Minho slipped it and, nothing. Not a "goodbye" or a "I love you.".

Just empty.

He didn't sleep that night, he could only wonder what he meant to tell him. Had Jisung not even remembered? Was he in a state of shock and simply put the envelope in?

He opened his laptop and searched his name for the first time.

Articles upon articles appeared and he read through all of them. Most hated him and some even spoke of Minho and what they guessed it was all about.

Some varied.

Some things were similar.

But one thing was mentioned at the end of each sentence, each site, each article.

Jisung had downed in the river.

They searched for weeks for his body.

But it was never found.

The end

The end

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Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now