📖the lie we both thread

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"I killed her." Jisung admitted, again, not daring to look at Minho. He could feel his piercing gaze on him.

Silence fell atop of them, so much their eardrums felt like falling to pieces.

"I didn't mean to..." Jisung cried.

"What...happened?" Minho said, horrified.

"After we kissed, I left your office to go home, but she was there, in the hall, smiling." He quivered. "She took me by the arm and dragged me to the locker room...and said she saw us kissing, that I was disgusting a-and that I was only pushing it for grades...she was going to tell...everyone."

Jisung held his neck, as if air was being cut short.

"S-she shoved me against the locker and called me all kinds of names. I-I didn't mean to push her so hard- I just wanted her away from me..." Jisung cried. "She hit the wall and I heard a noise so strange...like her skull had cracked In half. She bled on the floor...and all I could do was stare at her..."

"Jisung i know you're a good liar." Minho spoke quickly, he could sense something was off. "So I'll ask you this once...to not lie to me...okay? Only the truth."

Jisung turned his head and his face was blank, drained of colours Minho had painted onto him.

"I...smiled when she died...I don't know for what sick reason, but I did."

Minho remained silent.

"Then reality hit me and I was in the school, alone with her body. My mind was crumbling on itself but then...then I found a way out. I went home, took my dad's car and drove back to school. I loaded her in the car and drove back. I left her in the trunk."


"Don't you get it...?" He said and smiled. "So I could finally be free of him."

Minho felt his whole body shiver, he couldn't move. He didn't even comprehend how he was able to talk or breath.

"They found the body in his car, after footage showed the car in the parking lot, but not who got out of it. He's getting framed for the murder...and then I'll be free."

"You killed an innocent girl...you're-" he gulped and stood from the couch, walking with his hands on his head. "You're sick, jisung."

"I did it for us. She was going to tell everyone!"

"She did not deserve to die!!" Minho screamed at him and jisund stood as well.

"I've never had anything good in my entire life!" Jisung held his tears. "And there is this one thing I wanted...you...she was going to take you from me. I've never asked for anything, I've never prayed for a better life, but all I wanted..." he walked to him but Minho backed away, horrified. "Was you..."

"You need help Jisung." He grabbed the handle but Jisung didn't try and stop him.

"Where are you going? The police?"

"I...don't know. Anywhere but here, far away from you."

"And what would you tell them?" It was those eyes, the same he had in class when he knew an answer even the teacher didn't know.

"That you killed her." Minho mumbled the words on his tongue.

"We both know you're not stupid enough to do that...love." Jisung sat back down and sighed. "Because if you do that, then I can ruin your life. Listen closely Minho, before you will even reach the police department, I will make a call saying that I have accusations for sexual assault on you. A case is opened, an investigation. They see the marks on my body, they see the hickeys, I find proof of us and you're done for. You'll be on a sex offenders list, if you're not sent to jail of course, and everyone will look at you the way you're looking at me right now."

Minho stood terrified. He let go of the handle, confused and so so lost.

"Did you even love me to begin with? Or is this just another elaborate trick of yours?" Minho felt a tear streaming down his face.

"Don't you see?" He walked to him and cupped his face. "It's because I love you that I am doing any of this...to protect us." He leaned in and Minho couldn't even move, he could only close his eyes and feel Jisung's cold hands on his cheek, how his lips were warm and lustful. When he pulled away, Minho felt like falling to the ground.

"Am I not worth the risk, Minho?"

"You're a lot of things Jisung." He finally spoke. "But nothing is worth killing for. Not even love."

He walked away to his bed room and before he could reach it, jisung desperately looked his way.

"Don't you love me?" He asked, the words like a mirror standing on the edge.

Minho turned around and looked at him.

"How can I love something so broken?" Minho cried and closed the door of his bedroom shut. Jisung could only stare at it. He had shattered the mirror, and jisung felt the pieces cut through him, deeply.

"That's the problem Minho." Jisung felt as if he was shards of glass, cutting at the mere touch. "You do love me, broken and all."

Minho sat at his bed, his hands felt bloodied, even if he had done nothing. He had tried to put back together the pieces, to help, to fix, but only ended up hurting himself.

They both watched the door, closed, from a different side, wondering about the one on the other side, what they were thinking, what they were doing.

It felt like they stared for hours, jisung couldn't even move, trying to watch for shadows under the door, or a sound. Even a cry would be better, but it was silent.

Minho zoned out, staring into the wooden door. It wasn't locked, only closed, he didn't even know why he had had hidden himself this way. What was he running away from? A boy scared out of his mind since he can remember? Hiding from someone who never had a home or a friend. Someone lonely. Someone who reminds him of a past long forgotten. Someone he loves.

Minho stood from the bed and turned the handle. When he opened the door, jisung stood in front of it, looking up at Minho with glossy eyes. An expression that asked for help, that knew.


He kissed Jisung, like a lover would.

Like he meant it.

If they were going to be caught, they'd burn the whole world before it could reach them.

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now