📖a bond we share

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He lifted Jisung from the floor and embraced him, his legs wrapped around him, his lips on his. He felt like he was having his all, for once. That he couldn't taste the lies on his tongue anymore, that he was him. Even if that meant that he was a killer, in need of help, Minho had already fallen for him. He had been him, had lived to tell the tale, while Jisung was stuck in a loop.

He placed him against the wall, pushing his legs open and hoisted him up.

"You're mad at me-" Jisung said between kisses, it wasn't as much a question as it was a remark.

"Terribly." He kissed him eagerly, his hands pressed against his under thighs, like his finger prints would mark him. "I will never forgive you for what you've done."

"Something in the way you touch me makes  me believe you already have..." Jisung looked at him and brushed a hand against his right cheek, kissing him sweetly. "I know my head isn't...right...I know I need help."

Minho walked them to the bed and laid him down, looking at him calmly as he kissed his stomach and chest.

"I can't fix what you did...but we can hide it..." Minho kissed his forehead and they looked into each others gaze.

"Some things are just better left in the dark..."


The weekend came along, jisung had stayed over. They had kissed, multiple times, but it seemed like Minho was keeping a distance from anything above that.

Jisung had tried to touch him, to please him, but Minho had not let him, or avoided it. He would just say he wasn't in the mood, or that it was too soon after all that had happened.

It was Sunday when Jisung had cracked.

"Minho..." he walked in from a shower and went by him on the couch, smiling and his hair pushed back, dripping wet. "So I was thinking..." his hand crept on his chest like a spider, ready to hook him in his web, but Minho simply looked his way hesitantly.

"You should dry your hair." Minho cut him off before he could speak, putting a towel over his head and shuffling it slightly. Jisung stayed there, with a towel atop his head, frustrated to see Minho walking away from him.

"Are you repelled by me now?" Jisung said loud enough that Minho stopped in his steps and turned around to look at him, how saddened he was. "I gave you clear signs that I want you. I've never been...pushed away like this."

"Those marks on your neck..." Minho said and jisung seemed to tense. "I just...every time I close my eyes and try to just think of you...I see someone else kissing you there, kissing you everywhere. It bothers me that I can even get a clear idea of why you did this to me?"

"It's really not what you think Minho." He pressed a hand onto his neck and sighed. "I didn't want to hurt you that way...I just..."

"Tell me one thing. I just want a yes or a no. No bull shit no excuse. Was it your choice to sleep with whoever you did?"

Jisung bit his tongue in his mouth and winced at Minho.

"Yes." He replied and Minho nodded.

"Was I not enough? Is that it?"

"No. It's not like that, I told you-"

"Then what could it possibly be?"

They stared at each other before jisung looked away. Quietly, he stood up and walked towards the bedroom.

"That, I hope you never find out."


Later that day, the news announced that someone had been arrested in relation to the case of Alya. He had been kept until further notice in full surveillance. Only allowed to speak to his attorney.

Minho and Jisung both stared at the television, Jisung with wide eyes as his father was being brought into custody, yellow tape all over his house.

"How are you feeling?"

A smile crept on his lips, one that meant many things.

"He won't hurt me anymore..." he smile with a tear running down his eye, how broken he looked was indescribable.

Minho looked at Jisung like he saw his younger self, leaving his parents home.

"You once lived like me...how did you leave?"

"I didn't give any warning, or letter. I took all of my things and left that god forsaken house like it was on fire. I didn't look back, and they haven't called me since..."

"Both parents there?"

"If you count a raging alcoholic mother and a dad who smoked since I was born...who fought and hit each other, then sure...both the parents were there but, not actually being what they should be."

"I...I'm sorry you had to go through that..." Jisung said and Minho nodded.

"I really wish you could tell me about your childhood." Minho scoffed lowly. "Someday."

"Maybe one day...I will."

"You know I'd listen to you talking for hours..."

"I know." Jisung leaned on his shoulder and smiled. "I know you would..." he stood up and walked away quietly.

"And Jisung...?"

"Yes?" He turned around.

"I...I just need more time...before we can sleep together again...I'm not in the right mindset...I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it...I...understand."

They both nodded and went their separate ways.


That night when Minho finished correcting his copies, he walked in the living room to find Jisung sleeping on the couch, the television still running in the back ground. He smiled to himself and went to him, pulling the covers onto his shoulder.

He flinched when he received a phone call, it was late, and the number wasn't one he had seen before. He went to his balcony and answered it.

"Yes?" He said.

"Hello Minho, this is officer Dean from a few days back, I was the one who interviewed you. Listen, I hate to trouble you late but I am going to have to ask you a few more questions tomorrow. When is it better for you?"

Minho felt his heart drop.

"I suppose tomorrow after school would be a good time."

"Perfect, I'll see you then."

"Alright, thank you."

Minho closed his phone and looked out into the city.

"Fuck..." he whispered. What had he left out? Had they forgotten something?

"Fuck fuck fuck!" He screamed and grabbed a hold of his hair. He went back inside and as soon as his eyes settled on Jisung, he calmed down, he could breath again.

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now