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It was hard not speaking to him, for some reason. Minho went his own way and Jisung did the same, not once looking back at him. It would have been normal if Minho wasn't staring every time he walked past.

It ached at him, and he didn't know why.

During class it was even more quiet, with Jisung not once raising his hand, he faded into the background, like every other student who didn't want to be seen. One student took the opportunity to speak more, which seemed to pick at Jisung.

"According to Kant, the philosopher, would this action be moral?"

She raised her hand with a smile and a few eyes glided straight to her. Her blond hair, eyes as green as emeralds, skin as soft and clear as silk.

"Yes?" Minho pointed at her, trying to only look at her.

"Kant would be against that action because it does against the respect of humanity" she leaned her head against her arm and tilted her head.

"That is right. Of course there could be a lot of reasoning behind other interpretations as well, but that is the main one...remind me of your name?"

"It's Alya" she answered, even though the entire class already knew her name. Minho was the only one who had missed out on it. She was beautiful, and it was painfully obvious that Jisung was annoyed about it. He didn't show it directly, it was not like anyone could know. But Minho noticed, he made the same face when he looked at a book he hated, his eyes always darkened and his mouth formed a thin line.

He was disgusted by her as much as a book he would find repulsive.

Minho smiled and continued the class. Perhaps he was amused by his face, or maybe it was the fact that he could still have small interactions with him even after what they had gone through.

Even if they didn't speak.


Tuesday came by, yet again another silent day. Minho walked in the halls, looking around for a soul purpose. His eyes always landed on his thick brown hair, sometimes on the glasses that he wore, on occasion. Jisung was always in his vision, maybe it was because he noticed it more now, or maybe it was because he was searching for him.

"Minho?" His attention was caught back, they were having a meeting with a few teachers, casually having lunch together.

"I'm sorry, you were saying?" He lifted his brows and the conversation continued.

"I was saying that I'm sick of this kid always correcting my presentations, he always makes it apparent to gain points on his exam."

"Which student?"

"Han Jisung...he won't stop pestering every teacher." He rolled his eyes and Minho nodded, leaning back on his chair.

It was as if no matter what he did, jisung was around him, wether he avoided him or not. He didn't want to think of it, he felt sick to his stomach every time he realized where his thoughts were going.

"He's not so bad" Minho said and a few heads turned to him. "He answers all the questions I ask and always has an interesting point of view"

"Speak for yourself, he prefers to point out mistakes then participate. Maybe he prefers philosophy"


That must be it.


On Wednesday, Minho was forcing himself to forget, he simply looked ahead now, after all his neck started to hurt from all the times he looked his way. Since he stopped, he was able to think of other things, he had finally managed to correct all of the assignments and was ready to hand them out. He didn't think of Jisung, he was finally forgetting.

"Did you hear, there was a fight in the library" a student said to another, laughing in the halls.

"Wait really? Who was fighting?"

"Two cheerleaders, apparently they knocked over two book shelves, must have been some fight."

Minho sighed to himself and headed to the library once school was over. He watched the fallen shelves and a silhouette much too short for this kind of thing, trying to put back a heavy piece of furniture. Minho, without a word, helped him.

Only to realize that was Jisung.

Once again, their eyes met.

They did not speak, though. They simply placed the books back to where they were, keeping their eyes focused. They were trying to stay away and yet...always ended up in the same room, the same halls, the same gaze.

Minho wanted to make a comment, he wanted to chuckle with him about this coincidence, to ask how he had ended up there in the first place.

But he didn't.

Instead they both fixed the shelves and went their separate ways.

Can't seem to get away from you.


Thursday came faster then they had anticipated, in fact, it seemed like the entire week had passed before their eyes. He had corrected their exams and Minho slid an extra note in one of the copies.

When he gave them back in class, avoiding Jisung's eyes. He then gave him a note instead of his exam, that said:

-meet me after class, my office, I want to speak to you about your exam.

Jisung folded it carefully and placed it in his pocket, hiding a smile.

Minho taught class and it felt like an eternity before he was done. Truth was, he had corrected the papers and did what any teacher would in his place. He needed to have a talk with his student, that was all. There was nothing else.

At least that is what he kept telling himself.


A knock came at his office and he didn't even have to tell him it was unlocked. Jisung calmly opened it and closed it behind him, standing near the door, still.

"Take a seat" he felt his throat dry up as he spoke to him, like it had been so long, dreadful. Jisung went to sit next to him, instead of right in front, and Minho handed him his exam. "I'm sure you're not surprised of your score"

"102%" jisung said under his breath, not so much impressed. "Is it because I found a spelling error?"

"Yes, and all your answers are so advanced, I don't even know how to give your more points. I asked you to be here because...I looked at your results in other classes as well, your scores are incredible and..." he stopped for a moment and finally looked at him. "I think your talent is wasted at a school like this...I could help you apply for a much better one."

"Sir I don't have the money-"

"We can figure that part out after...and just call me hyung" Minho adjusted his own tie, as if out of breath. "Listen I don't know what your home situation is like, and I don't want to assume anything but..."

"Say it already."

"Im proud of you."

Jisung widened his eyes, as if taken aback from words he had never grasped before. He seemed to have been through hell, but never showed it. All that needed to break him was a simple praise. His eyes watered and he didn't take his eyes off of Minho. His breath was cut short, as if he was trying to regain a normal breathing.

"You are hard to avoid Jisung" he smiled to reassure him, but keeping his distance.

He was still breaking down in that chair, not out of sadness or because he was angry...jisung simply relieved. Years of getting good grades and not a single person had ever said that to him.

Minho gave him the tissues and stayed by his side while he sobbed his heart out, next to him. He wanted to pat his back, to shuffle his hair, but he didn't.


Until he spoke.


Until one sentence would change everything.

"Could I hug you?"

And the one answer that would doom him.

"Of course."

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now