📖interrogation room

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Minho and Jisung had been brought to an interrogation room, he could tell Jisung was exhausted, but still fighting with every single breath.

The cameras pointed at them. They were being watched. That didn't stop Jisung from looking at Minho like he hasn't in years.

"They'll find you a good attorney and you'll get out of this. I won't stand as these incompetent police officers ruin your life."

"You shouldn't be here. It has nothing to do with you."

Go away, let me take the blame, let me be the down fall.

"I am not leaving until they release you from hold. This is bullshit."

"You should be in school right now, Jisung."

"Everyone in school is protesting...you know. All those students you helped and the teachers you've worked with, they all want to see you free, it's all over the news. I won't let those fuckers-"


"I won't let those incompetent fucking assholes take away the only person who ever believed in me."

Minho gave him a tender look, a slight frown with so much in the eyes, he could almost see stars in them. Like the first day they met.

"Jisung..." he wanted to say much more.

"Hyung...?" He answered.

The door opened and they both looked it's way for a brief moment.

"Sorry for the wait." The same officer in charge of the case came through the door.

"Don't worry it's only been 11h since I've been asking politely for you to get this over with." Jisung had this way about him. Like every word was a punch to the nose. He had never seen him visibly angry in the past months they've seen each other. He was furious, in such a calm and vicious way.

"Yes well, it's more complicated then that kid."

"Actually, according to the law of this state, you're not legally allowed to detain him for more then 24 hours here. If he doesn't confess and if you don't prove enough evidence to go to trial, you have to let him go. Now go on, show us what you think you know."

God, how I love you, jisung.

"Minho doesn't have an alibi. He was at the scene of where we believe she died and with no witnesses and a false testimony from his part makes him sound all but innocent."

"He was one of many who were in the school at that time. Teachers, students in sports practice, cleaners. Anyone could have walked into the school, her being in his office doesn't mean anything."

"He lied, he withdrew very important information from us about her whereabouts."

"Why do you think that? Probably because he thought he'd be arrested under false pretences. Look what happened now."

"I would like to know what you were doing in his office after hours." He asked and jisung remained to composed.

"M.Lee forgot his keys on his desk, I brought them back to him, we chatted a bit, then I left."

He continued asking questions and Minho would sometimes answer, but Jisung was faster for most, more eager.

Go home.

You're my home, he could feel Jisung answering him. Imagining him refusing at all cost.

Hours passed and they waited there. Jisung had not gotten even an ounce of sleep, he kept awake, taping his foot against the chair a few times as if to stay awake.

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