📖if we fall down

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Both of them had been brought to the back of the police car, it had never been more quiet. They knew that it was all falling apart, but if at least one of them could stay afloat, then it would've been worth it.

They had stopped crying by the time they got to the station, where Jisung gave his sighed confession, and all Minho could do was cry and nod as they asked him questions.

When they were left alone in a hallow room, they looked at each other, slowly.

"It looks like it's over..." Minho said and Jisung nodded.

"Every end is a new beginning, is it not?" Jisung smiled and Minho could not even see it with all the tears clouding his vision.

"Maybe in stories, but this time, it's don't see a way out. I'm going to get fired, and you'll be sent to jail so who knows how long-"

"You know...in my dreams I left this town." Jisung looked away, his eyes drawn to the white wall. "I left so far and I didn't look back once. Everything I knew disappeared and I was somewhere...with you."

Minho nodded and closed his eyes shut.

"I was in Japan, on an island with pink trees."

The older one admired his face, because he knew that after the trial, he would not be allowed to see him. Ever again. And his face, his...god, his face, he would forget it.

"I would have gone with you. If I could."

"In another life, I will meet you there." Jisung turned to him with tears in his eyes.

"Okay..." Minho smiled and they both cried silently, waiting for the end to drag them. For death to do them part right now. "In other life?"

"Yes, perhaps there, we will get a chance to be happy."

"To a better world." Minho raised his cup of water and Jisung felt a tear fall into his before he lifted it as well.


Was the world so broken? Or were they the ones who were unfixable.

Minho asked himself that when he sat in the court for Jisung's trial. He watched as people he didn't know sat down, waiting to judge a story that wasn't there's, a story they didn't live.

They will never know...the extent of us.

Officer Dean went to sit next to him, quietly and with a low sigh.

"So...this is the finale."

"It's not...the day I met him was the finale. Now is just life playing puppets with us, seing how much worst it can get."

"I feel as if I'm not getting the full picture..."

"I don't know what to tell you Dean...I haven't been allowed to see him, I got fired from my dream job...and I'm about to watch one of my brightest student go to jail."

"I'm sorry, Minho." He placed a hand on his shoulder and they both stood in silence, waiting for Jisung to arrive. Everyone else was seated and it seemed like he was the only missing one.

"The convicted is late, your honour."

"Let us wait."


After an hour, they were still seated. Some officers had gone out and a whole search party was released to find him and bring him to trial. Only he was at home, he wasn't anywhere to be seen in the past few hours.

"Do you think he ran away?" Dean spoke and Minho shook his head.

"He's too smart for that." Minho whispered and put his hands onto his face.

"You know what I don't get?"

"Enlighten me."

"He said he was using you, yet he could have sold you out to be the villain, but he didn't."

"Sometimes we do strange things."

"For what cause?"

Minho looked at him and his eyes sort of blinked.

"I think I will let you guess that one-"

The doors opened and everyone turned to see who had barged in. It wasn't Jisung, it was a police officer.

"We..." he said and stopped, looking around the room petrified.

"What is it?" The jury asked and the man took his hat off, putting it on his chest.

"He stole a car and headed to east shore river...we found his the car, along with items of his inside."

Minho felt like he knew already, before the man even spoke, before anyone could even fathom what had come of this.

"No..." Minho whispered.

"There was a crack in the ice." Was all the man said and everyone was horror stricken, their hearts dropped. People talked, but Minho didn't hear them.

"He drowned an hour ago."

Minho had never felt so much pain...as the day he heard that sentence. His fingers curled on themselves and he couldn't breath, not when Jisung couldn't, not when he laid at the bottom of a lake, frozen and cold. His warmth left his body, Minho felt as if they filled up with water.

Minho cried.

He was the only person in the room to cry.

Because he was the only one to care.

This 21 years old, bright student, had killed himself.

The room fell to darkness, like all the light in the world was gone. Like nothing was worth seing, like he failed, everything. He had met him and now he had lost him. His student, his lover, his faith in the world.

It was gone, thrown away from him.

In another life.

Perhaps there we will get a chance at being happy.

To a better world.

"Oh, jisung..." he sobbed until he couldn't, until every single person walked out of the room and all that was left were his cried fading against the walls, sinking into them, into the floor.

"What have you done...?" He cried.

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now