📖a simple touch

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Could I hug you?

Of course.

Jisung didn't hesitate before leaning in, putting most of his weight on Minho's torso. The older, taken aback by the sudden closeness, didn't move. He felt his shirt damp and Jisung's quiet sobs against him. It took a moment for him to draw him into an actual hug.

It's then he realized that this was nothing of the ordinary, his heart was beating, he was hoping Jisung couldn't tell. His hand instinctively went to Jisung's brown locks and twirled random strands. He was fighting every urge in him.

He liked this, even if it killed him to admit it. He didn't want to, he just wanted to make Jisung feel better, but he was shooting himself in the foot while doing so. His breathy sobs were now against his neck and the older closed his eyes.

He's only your student.

You will never have anything more.

Get away from him. Now.

Move for crying out loud.

"Hyung..." he said in a whisper, then pulled away slightly and looked into his eyes. Nothing in that look was appropriate, nothing in the way his hands went over his chest was what a student should do. It messed with their heads.

It made Minho hope, that he was not alone.

"Okay..." Minho stepped aside, shoving away all temptations and looking away completely. "We...can't do this Jisung. I cant."

"But you...called me in here...didn't you?" His eyes were soft, as if confused.

"I...we cannot continue like this...it would be so wrong of me. You are feeling sad, vulnerable. I won't take advantage of that..."

"What if i let you?" Jisung's eyes had this fire in them, he suddenly seemed so determined.

"This isn't just about a hug...is it?" He finally admitted and didn't dare move. Jisung didn't reply. "Jisung we are nothing...special. I only see you as my student."

"You're a horrible liar..." Jisung said and wiped his tears away. "You might say things but I feel your heart beat through the floor-"

"Enough, jisung."

"You know what you want."

"Stop this."

"I can give you what you seek."

Minho got up quickly, taking a step back and feeling his breaths be drawn from him. He adjusted his tie that Jisung had just tugged at and fixed his sleeves.

"I am your teacher"

"But you wish we were more..." Jisung said lowly, tears still roaming his eyes. "Tell me I'm not alone" he held his heart, like it ached at him, like it tugged strings inside of him. "You just won't admit it."

"You need to leave..." Minho said and Jisung got up, calmly and weakly.

"What now...we continue the silent treatment?"

"Yes. We forget this ever happened"

"Who knew you could be so scared of a simple hug sir..." Jisung forced himself to smile and grabbed his bag, taking a few steps back to reach the door. "Tell me...why should I even come to your class?"

"You don't have to...but I know you'll be there"

"How can you be so certain?" He snapped and Minho didn't once look at him.

"Because sometimes being around something uncomfortable is better then not being around it at all..." Minho said lowly and turned to look at the window. He did not know how long he stared, but it was long enough that he spaces out.

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now