📖feeling cold

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It's safe to say the next week was...strange.

Classes went by, as they normally did, but nothing between Minho and Jisung was quote on quote "normal". They would glance at each other, sometimes in classes, sometimes in the halls amongst other students. It was not tense or awkward, it was simply...strange.

Maybe I can help you.

I'd rather die.

We're the last words they had spoken to each other, Minho took it as a clear sign that it was none of his business. After all this was no family member or friend, this was his student that he has known for a week.

He still came after classes, every single day for about an hour after school ended, but he didn't say much. Only simple greetings and one time he even asked how his hand had been, but that was all.

This night was Friday, right before the weekend off and Jisung seemed abnormally quiet that day. During class he was seated at the back, which he normally never was. He didn't answer questions or help the class discussion. Nobody payed much attention, all but Minho.

When the bell rang, jisung was the first out of the classroom. Not even sparing a glance. He didn't come to his office that night, for the very first time that week. Minho sighed and marched along the halls, the lights closing behind him.

Yet, he stopped in front of the library, where he saw Jisung already at work, on the tenth row. He smiled to himself and took a step forward, only to see there was a small note on the floor.

-I need to be alone right now.

Is what it said. Jisung turned to look at him, and Minho nodded, continuing his way.


.Saturday morning.

"Should I hold the candle then?"

"Oh come on it's not like that!" His friend shoved him aside, smiling widely, his cheeks a bit flushed.

"I know you have feelings for her Chan, you're not fooling anyone."

"I don't have-...listen, it'll be just the three of us, I know how much you enjoy going to the fare." Chan bit his lip as he waited for even a glimpse of hope that Minho would want to go.

"You two will just end up flirting and I'll be all alone, as always."

"Then bring someone, isn't there a guy you're interested in?" Chan picked at him, poking his arm.

"No, and I'm not coming."

"They serve amazing carrot cakes."


.a few hours later.

Minho sat at a table and ate his carrot cake quietly. Everything around him moved so fast, he just wanted to be in his room again. He loved roller coasters, but he had only done a few before Chan and his "friend" disappeared into the crowd. He sighed deeply and finished the cake in no time.

He turned to figure out a way to escape this social place...but his eyes trailed to a familiar brown haired man, sitting the table right next to him. He smiled for the first time that night and walked a few steps.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked and Jisung flinched, turning around before becoming neutral again.

"go ahead." He said with a short smile and Minho noted that he rarely did.

"Here all by yourself?" Minho started and Jisung nodded, poking his cheesecake.

"I just come here for the cakes" he admitted and blushed when Minho chuckled.

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now