📖pray to nothing

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Minho walked messily through the halls, looking at each face that passed but they all felt blurred. When he was sick of scrolling through the entire school, he went outside, taking a cigarette out of the box and blinking. He put it back away when he saw Jisung in the distance, under a tree, reading.

"Jisung!" Minho called to him and the younger one lifted his head, closing his book.

"Hey...did the questioning go well?" He asked, calmly.

"For my part, yes. Now they're asking to see you..."

Jisung frowned and stood from the foot of the tree, his eyes focused more then ever. He wore a scarf around his neck, even if it was quite warm outside.

"What do you think they want with me...? Do you think they know about...us?"

"I don't know...god this is so messed up." Minho rose his lungs to speak again, but Jisung spoke before he could.

"Don't panic, don't even flinch. What room were you in from the interview?"

"The director's room, why?"

"I've been there a few times, they have a direct view of the back of the school." They stared at each other.

"You think they're looking at us right now?" Minho asked, trying not to move, his back was facing the building.

"Yes." He smiled and they walked towards the school. "So act as normal as you can until we're completely sure no one is watching, we need to be extra careful."

"It might sound crazy but...I think you work better under pression..."

"Got used to it." He tugged at his scarf, as if nervous all of a sudden. They reached the doors that's lead inside and looked at each other briefly. "I'll meet you later."


"Come have a seat." The police officer said and jisung gladly walked up to get seated. "I've heard much about you around school, your grades are something to look at."

"Thank you sir." He replied and bowed his head slightly.

"We have gotten some leads on the case...I will not disclose them with you, but I do have some questions."

"Of course, anything to help." Jisung smiled awkwardly and leaned into the chair slowly.

"You're older for a first year, is there a reason."

"Well...I had to save up money to attend university...so I had to take a few years off to be able to attend."

"Alright...we found something in your file that is...intriguing to us." He started and pulled out a photo, scrolling it across the table. "Do you recognize this place?"

It was a house, one with a blue roof. Jisung's home.

"That's where I live."

"Alone?" He raised a brow and they stared at each other, jisung looked away.


"Who do you live with?" He sat back and crossed his arms, jisung regained his neutral expression and sighed.

"My father lives with me."

"So it's only the two of you?"

Jisung nodded.

"And do you own a car?"

"My father does, it's a Toyota, blue."

"And do you have a license?" He wrote down on his little pad and jisung couldn't help but stare at the photo in front of him.

"No, couldn't afford it."

"Alright, well this sums it up kid, you're free to go."

Jisung didn't move, he simply stared.

"Can I know...what's happening with him?"

"We cannot disclose information. We will reach out to you, is there a number we can call you on?"

"I don't have a cell phone..."

The police officer seemed to pause, he looked at this 21 years old with pale skin and clothes that covered approximately all of his body.

"Jisung...is there anything you want to tell me?" He said and the air became tense.

Before he knew it, tears came running down his face, he was crying heavily. He hid in the palm of his hands and the officer went by his side, patting his back until he calmed down.

In the end, he had to tell the truth. He couldn't.

He told them everything.


Minho passed back and forth in his office. It had been about an hour since Jisung had left to be interviewed, he had no more intel since.

He corrected copies to try and concentrate instead of worrying, but he just ended up doing both at the same time. He tugged at his hair and cursed under breath every chance he got.

When someone came knocking at his door, his body was faster then his mind. He practically ran to the door and jisung stood in front of him, eyes swelling, like he had been crying for days.

"What happened?" He closed the door and kept his distance from the young one, because even if it was closed, there was a small window. If any one were to see or hear them, I would be even more trouble.

Jisung sat down, covering his face.

"They're not onto us. That's all you need to know." He wrapped his arms around himself, as if for comfort he couldn't find.

"I did not wait here an hour for you to tell me that!" He screamed, so distressed and tired. "Jisung for fuck's sake. I need answers."

Jisung had tears in his eyes again, as if he would have to tell it all again, he would break. When he didn't answer, Minho crouched down next to his chair and looked up at him. He was going to speak, calmly, but his eyes travelled to his scarf, who had fallen down.

Minho pulled it away, jisung didn't have time to get it back in time.


"Thats not a bruise..." Minho frowned.

There, on his neck, laid a hickey, purple and red, clear to see. Minho was not the one who had made it.

"Are you seing someone else...?" You could practically hear Minho's entire heart shatter. The words stung as if he had shards of glass in his mouth.

"It's..." Jisung didn't deny. "It's complicated Minho." He couldn't look at him, he didn't dare.

"So all this time I'm giving you somewhere to live, I get you meals, I comfort you...and you go to see someone else? What am I to you? Tell me." Minho had tears in his eyes now.

"I can explain..."

"We both know you won't. I've been wanting answers for weeks now." Minho walked away and jisung couldn't move. "I just...I can't keep going around in circles with you."

"What does that mean?" A horror stricken look came across his eyes.

"It means she should stop...for a while." Minho was hurt, and even if he knew it wasn't the right words or the right time, he couldn't handle anything right now. "I don't want you to come to my place, I'm sick of you lying to me, jisung. I Just...cant."

When Minho finished his sentence, Jisung's tear hit the floor and silence spread in the room. They finally looked at each other and Minho rubbed his eyes.

"Minho I'm sorry..."

"I...need air..." Minho grabbed his jacket, where he knew his cigarettes were. He rushed out of his office and headed outside as quickly as he could. Once they were both far apart, Minho could finally breathe. There was this sense of betrayal, even if he didn't know the full extent of it. A hickey that covered his neck, he tried to hide it from him. Those night he was away, was this what he was doing?

Minho's back hit the wall and he couldn't help but lit his cigarette quickly.

"What the hell is going on around here..."

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now