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Minho had thrown their underwear across the floor and had gotten some lube from his cabinet. Jisung seemed very confident about his body, or not at all bothered by nudity, like he wanted to show him.

The older kissed his neck again, but seemed to aim lower then before. He trailed his lips all over Jisung's chest and craved to hear him moan again.

"How can I please you?" Minho drew more kisses and looked up at jisung, who was blushing. "Is there something you would like me to do to you?"

Minho smirked when Jisung flushed and nodded.

"When we do it...hold me close"

Minho raised his brows, surprised by the request, but nodded.

"You like to be held?"

"Yes..." Jisung under his breath, closing his eyes shut when Minho went to his thighs and pressed his mouth onto them.

"Cute" Minho whispered to himself and felt Jisung's skin heat up under him. He could see Jisung was aroused by his touch only, not that he was shy about it. After teasing him slightly more, he finally went to his desk, getting some lubricant. He showed it to Jisung and without a word he nodded, getting on the board bed and patiently waiting for Minho to join him on the bed. When he was next to him, jisung scooted even closer and held his hand.

"Will you prep me like a good boy?" Jisung shot out of the blue, analyzing Minho's face. He was testing the water. A smirk was all it took for Jisung to reciprocate a smile.

Minho picked up his hand and kissing it from his knuckles, to his forearm, all the way to his shoulder. He then pulled him close and got some lube all over his fingers before lowering his hand.

"Don't be so nervous" Jisung said.

How did he know?

Minho had shown no sign of hesitation or even nervousness. Nothing. Yet, jisung read him like a blank page, like it was easy.

"I don't want to hurt you"

"If you focus solely on that, you'll miss the whole point baby..." jisung licked his lips. "I don't care about pain, I just want you to make me feel fucking good...that's all I want"

Minho could feel his heart racing. He quite liked when he spoke to him this way, he was gentle and sort of controlling in a way. It was a feeling he'd never experienced before. Jisung was under him, yet it felt like he was more confident and proud.

"Keep talking..." Minho said and kissed Jisung, all while inserting a finger in. It was no trouble, it had gone right in, which was fast considering the anatomy. "With that sweet voice of yours" Minho fingered him slowly and Jisung held his face close to him.

"You're doing so good sir..." he paused to moan and tried to focus on his words. "Just like that..."

Minho felt himself grow even more aroused by his words. When Jisung noticed, he couldn't help but smirk and look at Minho up and down. The older added a second finger, going a bit faster then previously.

"That feels good..." he mumbled and threw his head back the slightest bit, so Minho pulled away and jisung looked his way to see what he was doing. Minho then handed him a condom and Jisung took it without hesitation. He opened it with his teeth smoothly and got the rubber out, placing it on the very tip, which seemed to make Minho twitch.

"Want me to put it on you?" He said, smiling.

Minho nodded.

Jisung descended the condom onto him, painfully slow, without once looking away from his eyes. Minho was already feeling ecstatic, he couldn't even image the rest.

"Just like that?" Jisung said with a low voice, looking down once it was halfway on and Minho wanted to hum, but it sounded more like a soft grunt then anything.

"Just like that."

Jisung finally rolled it all down, but it didn't seem to end there. He got the bottle of lube and poured some directly on Minho, the very tip of him. His hand then travelled to him, so Minho moaned. He went up and down, fairly slowly, stroking him, again, with a fixed gaze.

"Don't be shy" Jisung raised Minho's chin and looked down at his lips. "You're holding back"

"Ahh-" on cue, the older melted when Jisung pressed his thumb on his slit, rubbing it.

"Say my name sir..."

"Jisung." Minho was breathing heavily, his fingers curling from excitement.


Jisung got on his back and Minho didn't waste a second before hovering over him, holding him close just like he had requested. Minho inserted himself once they were both comfortable with the position and they both felt dizzy, struck.

"Fuck..." Minho hadn't even moved his hips yet, and Jisung and him were both looking at each other, mesmerized. "Nobody had ever felt..."

"Like us"  Jisung completed and smiled, his chest falling and rising. Without another word they kissed, sweetly, excessively.

Minho moved not long after, naturally. He always held Jisung close to him, skin clasping on skin and a couple of shredded moans compiling on their tongues. Jisung's back was arched completely, hitting a perfect angle and having a hard time keeping up with Minho's quick movements.

"Ah- Jisung."

"Hyung-" he said and Minho bent down next to his ear, passing his tongue on the lobe and whispering.

"Call me by my name..."

Jisung then looked at him and pulled him into a hot and warm kiss, being more aggressive this time, needier.


It wasn't long before Minho came first and panted over Jisung, who seemed rather satisfied already. The older got off of him and looked down to see he was still very much aroused.

"We should clean up"

"You're right..." Minho lowered himself on the side of the bed and pulled Jisung in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Jisung asked, seeming confused.

"Im not satisfied if you haven't came, let me pleasure you." Minho held his thigh firmly, because he could sense that Jisung liked to be held, in any way possible. The older licked his lips and didn't spare him the moment of doubt before putting his mouth straight to Jisung's tip, pressing his tongue plat on him and making the younger one gasp.

The entire time, jisung at a loss for words, even if he was very vocal in other ways, he couldn't get out a single coherent sentence.

All he could say was fuck, good, shit and Minho. In random phrases. Minho didn't care, he simply dug his head low until Jisung raised his hips dead into his mouth.


After Minho had stopped himself from gagging, he wiped the corner of his mouth and laughed.

"If you want to fuck my mouth just ask love"

Jisung covered his face with a hand and seemed divided.

"Could I?" He said lowly.

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't"

Jisung was hesitant at first, but soon pushed himself past Minho's lips and deep into his throat. The older took it, the entire time, tears swelling in his eyes. Jisung was a moaning mess, whimpering, bitting his lip to bleed and barely being able to get a word out.

He came without a warning and Minho swallowed what he could, until he could pull away and grab a damp, warm towel. Jisung remained on the bed, laid on it with wide eyes and waited for him to come back. Minho cleaned him, from his face to his stomach. He didn't speak a word, all up until Minho placed him in his bed and laid covers on his naked body.

Minho was starting to wonder if he had done something wrong, the silence spreading like a plague in the night. His thoughts were shut down by a simple sentence.

"Nobody has ever..." he started, a little hesitant to push the words out. "Done that to me before..." he blushed.

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