📖the moment you broke

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One month had passed since Minho had been arrested, and released after not having enough evidence to put him away. He knew police were circling onto them like vultures, trying to find the smallest mistakes, every breath they took was risky.

Jisung still lived with Minho, some days he would stay at school a bit longer to not be seen together, or arrive at the building at completely different times.

Some days they would go in the library and fix shelves, quietly and without even looking at each other. Sometimes the police would stop by and ask questions around, since it was still an open case.

One day, jisung was arranging books in the library when the officer came in, alone and with his badge on. Officer Dean watched Jisung take out a huge amount of books at the same time, reorganizing the rows.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He spat out and the older man sighed, he must have been in his fifties, just trying to do what we told him to.

"There is something I've been meaning to ask you...I know you don't necessarily like me, but I am wondering."

"What is it?" He didn't even look his way, simply kept placing them by author.

"You fought for your teacher, for hours, and I'm sure that if the case had gone to court, you would have torn through everyone before we even started."


"So...why?" The man looked at him, not with menacing eyes, or with anger, but wanting answers. He knew he was simply doing what was best, but it still made Jisung agitated.

"I told you about my childhood, I told you what he made me do. To this day, I feel so...far from everyone else, like my dreams are other's nightmares..." he said and got off the shelf, looking at the man who had arrested his father under charges. "M.Lee told me that...he came from a same kind of background. He understands...he knew when he first looked at me that I was the same as him."

"You see yourself in him? That is why you fought?" He asked, sitting down on a chair and jisung nodded hesitantly.

"I tell myself that...if he makes it, if he can be happy and recover from a past so dark and fucking twisted...then maybe I can, too."

"What makes you think you won't...?"

"The entire world."


When Jisung had gone home that night, he threw himself at the couch and watched Minho at the table. He looked so discouraged that Jisung couldn't help but wonder his way.

"What's wrong?" He said and Minho shook its head.

"It's nothing, love."

"Don't lie..." he went to his shoulders and pressed his thumb into his back. "Tell me..."

"I'm looking at the numbers and, I might have to move out of here soon..."

"What...? Why?"

"Well were two living here now, it's more expensive then when I was alone so, I'll have to find a cheaper place for us to live."

"I'm so sorry...you should have told me." Jisung kissed his shoulder and Minho leaned into the touch. "I'll get a part time job, I can help."

"Are you sure...?"

"Anything to help you, you've done so much for me, it's the least I could do."

"Okay...we'll see for jobs." They smiled at each other and looked outside, the snow had started to fall from the sky, it was getting cold in their area.

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now