📖and now we fall

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Minho and jisung both attended school that day, except only the eldest knew about this phone call with the officer in charge of the case. He had not told Jisung. Afraid of scaring him even more. Even though, he could sense that Jisung was picking up on it.

When the end of the day came around, it was time to meet up with the officer. He went to his office and sat down.

He didn't expect Jisung to barge in.

"Hyung what the hell?!" Jisung walked to his desk and slapped a paper sheet on it, visibly angry. Minho didn't even look at it.

"Jisung you can't be here right now-"

"You gave me a 60% on my grade?! Am I worth nothing?!" Jisung screamed and Minho tried to calm him down.

"We'll talk about this later. Nows not the time."

"Oh really? Then enlighten me sir."

A knock came at the door and it opened. The officer looked between them and stopped in the door frame.

"Oh pardon me, am I interrupting?"

"No worries officer. Jisung we'll talk about this another time."

Jisung grabbed his paper harshly from the table and turned around, scoffing.

"Right..." he looked at the officer and then his eyes went to the floor. When the door closed again, the man sat in front of Minho, quietly looking at him, a file in his hand.

"Can I ask what this is about?" Minho tried not to let it show, that he felt like crawling to the floor and crying.

"Yes well. We found some camera footage the other day." He said and brought some pictures from his folder, laying them on the table. "Now, we know that Alya never left the building. Yet, we do see her walking in and out of a class. It's the only trace we've found of her, and I don't suppose you know which office it was..." the officer stared at him, in this perfect silence that dug at him.

Minho stayed quiet, his hands clasped together.

"Now, we know she came to see you that day. My question is, why not tell us?" He asked the question like he was supposed to answer simply. "M.Lee I'll be frank with you...it's not looking good on your part."

"I was afraid..." he spoke and closed his eyes. "I was scared to tell the truth."

"And what is the truth...?"

They gazed at each other briefly before Minho nodded.

"It was a normal day. I taught class and after hours, she came by my office...like you see in the pictures."

"And then?"

"She was there no more then a minute. She asked me about a number she didn't quite get...I helped her, she left. And then..." Minho felt his throat dry up. "I wanted to tell you, I did. But I knew from the reports that I had been the last to see her...and I felt like it couldn't be true...I didn't want anyone to think..." he stopped himself.

"So let me get this straight...after classes she came to see you? Then you left to go home?"

"Another student passed by."

The cop nodded, as if he knew and then he showed another picture.

"This young man here?"

"Yes...Jisung came by."

"Why?" He pressed.

"I had forgotten my car keys on my desk and he brought them back to me."

He hummed quietly, looking at him briefly before taking his glasses off and lifting his shoulders.

"The man we arrested for the crime has been proven innocent." He said and Minho could feel his own pulse through his ears. "He has a solid alibi. That night he was out of town, in a bar with multiple cameras and witnesses."

"You can't possibly think..."

"Let me put this on the table, M.Lee. You were at the scene, you retained information from us about the case, and well..." he paused. "One of your student's father is framed for murder."

"Officer, believe me, I did not harm her."

"Then who did?" He raised his brows, hands knotted together, watching his every breath.

Minho could only hold the words on his tongue.

"I don't know..."

"I did not come here to ask you this...actually." He gave him a calm glance and took some handcuffs out of his belt.

"You're going to arrest me...?" Minho frowned and the man went next to him.

"I'm sorry lad, it's procedure. Either you're also being framed or there is something you are not telling me." He placed the cuffs on and Minho felt like a thousand rocks were crushing him, his head was pounding and he couldn't even walk a step.

Minho fainted.


He woke up in a cell, the light blinded him and he couldn't tell how much time had passed. His hands were still together and his head hurt as if he had fallen down a stair case.

There was noise all around him, ringing buzzers and people talking.

"You're awake."

He looked up and the same man, unlocking his cell. He went in and sat by his bed.

"I wish I would have stayed alseep..." he sighed and the man nodded.

"Well someone has been waiting very eagerly for you to wake up."


"Perhaps he wants you to fix his grade." He said and Minho felt something dig at him. Jisung was insane for coming here, he had thought him smarter. He's being charged with murder and Jisung is tagging along. "I've never received more insults from someone in my life. He has not stopped pleading for your innocence."

"What time is it?"

"It's 4pm."

"It's been that long...?" He held his head, feeling like he would faint again.

"Yes. Jisung heard of your arrest and came barging into out precinct. He's demanded to see you for 10 hours now. He refused to sleep, or eat, I don't think I've even seen him sit down."

Minho couldn't help but chuckle, nervously.

"What now officer?" He felt the sobs in his throat accumulate, he felt like tears swell down his cheeks. "I'm going to have a trial because you can't find who did this? You're going to send me to jail for correcting copie at my desk?"

"The evidence is not in your favour...you're looking at life in prison."

Minho sobbed even more, his head hurt so much, like a nail was being hammered into his skull.

"I will give you a list of attorneys you can contact for your case-"

"Get off of me!" They heard from outside the cell and the man sighed deeply.

"I think we need to have a chat...all three of us"

Jisung came into the frame, their eyes locked and nothing else mattered anymore. Not the handcuffs digging into his flesh, or the way his shirt was sticking to his skin like leather in the heated sun. He forgot about the loud fan at his ear and the walls so white it made him dizzy.

All he could see was Jisung.

He knew then and there, that if there was one way of protecting Jisung. It was by doing this.

"Okay...we can talk."

"No lies this time?" The officer spoke.

"Not one." And that was the first.

Things we keep in the dark | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now