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Fact One: Dinosaurs lived on all of the continents, including Antarctica.

Thea tenses in anticipation as the giant metal object she is sitting in drops to the floor

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Thea tenses in anticipation as the giant metal object she is sitting in drops to the floor. The brown noise of the aircraft hums underneath, the pressure building until her left ear pops. Despite dropping down from 32,000 feet in the clouds, Thea was excited, because it means she is here.

She is landing in Zimbabwe.

The pilot's voice echoes throughout the cabin as he thanks everyone for flying with him, the seat belt lights turning off and all of a sudden everyone is already up and out of their seats. Thea's eyes widen as she scrambles to do her seat belt, but at that precise moment, it decided it doesn't want to be undone. Oh no, she's stuck.

Stuck and everyone is already moving towards the exits. She curses herself for picking a window seat. She wanted to watch the clouds and explore things from up above, but now it was coming to bite her in the ass.

Her breath quickens. She did not want to be stuck here. Hell, she had a damn dinosaur to find. Thea at least wanted to do that before her body decided her time on earth was no more.

Just then, the smell of sandalwood, deep, musky and completely male, invades her senses. Her eyes flick up as a man moves down the aisle towards her seat. His deep blue eyes keep her pinned, and she gulps as he slightly ducks so his head doesn't graze the ceiling. Oh, my god he is huge and heading straight for her.


His voice is deep, rumbling almost, and the sound immediately makes Thea melt. Wait, did he say her name?

"I- yes, that's me." She stutters out in shock and then proceeds to scrunch her face up because, yes, that's me. Is that the best she could do?

"Bobby is waiting." He mutters, his eyes still pinning her down. Then they move down to her hands, still fiddling with the buckle across her hips. Thea feels her face flush. Oh god, she is blushing.

She tries once more before giving up and saying, "It's stuck."

He grunts in reply before leaning down into her space and gently brushing her hands away. Holding them to her chest, she holds her breath in while watching as he tries to unbuckle her. It doesn't work.

"It's really stuck." She mumbles. God, why is she still talking again? Thea squeezes her eyes shut in embarrassment. She is sure he already knows this, but somehow in her mind, she feels the need to give the unknown man a play-by-play.

"They might need to cut me out, could you go and get -" But her voice dies down as the man simply shakes his head. He doesn't seem pleased by her idea, but she refuses to continue to sit here when she is aware the group is waiting.

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