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Fact Seventeen: The dinosaur with the longest claws was the Therizinosaurus ("reaping lizard"). Its claws were up to 3 feet (1 m) long.

 Its claws were up to 3 feet (1 m) long

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Thea was asleep.

Lucas had stayed with her all night, not once leaving her side. She was due to be released in a matter of hours even though she had been out of it since he first was allowed to see her. He contemplated leaving hovering around the door to her room, he didn't want her to wake up if he wasn't here but he also was not laving her side when they got back to camp.

It seems as if this was his only chance.

After brushing the hair off her face and placing a soft kiss to her forehead he walks out the door and doesn't look back. If he did, he knew he would be stuck there. With his phone to his ear and Zack on the other side they agree to meet out front.

Lucas doesn't have to wait long until Zack is pulling in on a quad and he hops on the back with no hesitation.

"Let's be quick. I want to get back before she wakes."

"She okay?" Zack asks as they shoot out of the hospital and make their way back to camp. He concentrates on their surroundings, pushing the quad to go as fast as possible but still listens out for his friends response. Stephanie had not long fallen asleep, unable to get the kind girls hurt body out of her mind.

"She will be. It's going to take time Zack, this won't just impact her physically."

"I'm sorry dude, we'll all do whatever she needs us too alright? For you as well."

Lucas pats his shoulder, he was grateful for Zack's reassurance. He was grateful that his group were good people and had accepted Thea completely. The rest of the journey is spent in silence and Lucas tries to find the anger from last night.

He had buried it deep, left no trace of it for his focus was Thea. She didn't need to worry she needed to rest, to heal. From the corner of his eyes he see's a flash of blue from the rising sun and turns his head. His eyes take in the river where everything had gone wrong and the anger began to simmer under the surface.

He could picture what happened. Thea soaking in the sun. Thea relaxing enough to fall asleep, the blanket cushioning the hot ground away from her skin. Thea being held down. Thea fighting for her life.

He squeezes his eyes shut and turns away.

The flame was burning now deep inside him and he held onto it. How could someone do that? How are people capable of these horrendous things? Lucas didn't know, all he knew was that he was going to get some form of justice for her. The system is never there when you need them, only after and he knew how this would go if she went to the police.

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