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Fact Thirteen: The smallest fully grown dinosaur fossil is a Lesothosaurus ("Lizard from Lesotho") and it is only the size of chicken. Smaller fossils have been found, but they are of baby dinosaurs.

 Smaller fossils have been found, but they are of baby dinosaurs

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Thea hopped from foot to foot in front of the quad bikes. She had packed up a bag again for the long day out but it was heavier this time due to the extra bottles of water she had packed. It wasn't just her and Lucas today, the rest of his group would be joining them.

Thea wasn't sure what he had told them last night after he left all she knew is that Zac and Stephanie had left already, whispering a quiet good morning to her before leaving on a quad together. It didn't help when she hadn't even seen Lucas yet so it's not like she could ask him.

The sun was going to rise soon and she knew the rest of the group would start getting up soon, Thea contemplated going to his tent for a moment but the thought quickly left her. She knew he liked his space and last night was huge for the both of them, he probably just needed some time to himself before today.

"Good morning, Miss Thea." Arthur whispers from behind her. She smiles and returns the kind gesture, she liked Arthur and she liked his stories. She watched as he packed up another quad and after checking their surroundings hopped onto it.

"Arthur?" She calls out quietly while rushing over, "have you seen Lucas this morning?"

The man shakes his head in response to the girls question, "he did tell me you both would be the last to leave though, just encase Bobby happens to wake up." He laughs quietly at her reaction his smile softening, "he wouldn't leave you behind Thea, trust me on that."

Eventually she nods, inhaling in a deep breath as he finally rolls off slowly. It doesn't take long for him to pick up his speed, the ground kicking up dust behind him. Thea stays put for a little while longer but as the silence stretches on and the sun begins to rise she gets restless. 

Placing the rest of her things on the quad she had picked out for them she turns to find Lucas, his tent being the first place she would check. In her mind she is already scolding him for making her get up early only to have to wait for him, but the rant doesn't get far because as she turns back to the camp she comes face to face with Bobby.

Her heart immediately jumps into her stomach, "Bobby, hi, good morning." She tries for polite in the hops that she can keep things cordial with him. He was her teacher not to long ago and she did like him back then... maybe things had just gotten tense from the pressure.

"Thea." He grinned moving closer to her. "You going somewhere? What are the bags for?"

Thea turned to look behind her at the bags she had strapped to the sides of the quad, but it would prove to be a mistake. By the time she had turned back to spew some excuses at Bobby he was right there in front of her, merely a few steps away.

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