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Fact Ten: Scientists can guess how fast a dinosaur walked or ran by looking at the gaps between its footprints.

Thea tried to keep her things organised, she knew that Lucas was a very neat person but unfortunately it wasn't how her mind worked

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Thea tried to keep her things organised, she knew that Lucas was a very neat person but unfortunately it wasn't how her mind worked. She had gotten out her thesis that for some reason she had packed, maybe subconsciously she knew she might need it.

It was scattered across the floor of her tent, the woven rugs allowing her bare feet not to be brunt from the high heats throughout the day. A small lamp glowed from her bedside table, the light warming the area in a golden glow. The sun was lowering in the sky but it was still light outside at the moment.

With her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head she laid on her stomach, her bed sheets underneath as she stared down at the floor. Her legs swung back and forth as her mind ticked away, she was trying to connect dots that she wasn't sure were even there. Plus she was waiting for the murky eyed man to join her.

Her eyes moved left to right, her sight reading the words on the paper but eventually the movement saw her slowly fall asleep. Lucas approached Thea's tent, his backpack slung over his shoulder, the weight of what was inside causing his to approach with caution.

They could not get caught with this.

He whispered her name once outside but didn't dare raise the tone of his voice any higher, a few seconds passed and then he pulled back the opening to her tent and slipped inside, grateful that he had gotten in unnoticed... or so he thought.

The first thing he noticed was the scent of lavender flooding his senses, Thea always smelt of it, the scent sweet but warm. The second thing he noticed was the warm glow from the lamp on her bedside table, it felt cozy despite it being hot enough to fry an egg on the ground outside. Lastly his gaze fell on the body lying horizontal across the bed, papers scattered along the floor and he gathered she must of been reading them before she fell asleep.

She wasn't clothed in much, a light blue cropped bralette thing and some tight shorts that barley covered anything, but he could see that the material was cotton... soft and he knew how hot it got in here. He was lucky, he had privileges that meant he got a fan, but the others in the group did not and he could tell by the red flush on Thea's cheeks.

Gently placing his bag down beside the bed he called her name, "Thea." His voice was a soft rasp as he tried to coax her awake gently. He didn't know weather to shake her because this was her space and for all she knew he was a stranger. "Thea wake up," his hand found her back and instead of shaking her he rubbed up and down... then cringed because he didn't know if that was any better.

Yet his efforts were rewarded as she stirred, slowly opening those bronze eyes of hers. She looked up it him for a moment seemingly still half asleep and confused but his lips twitched as the realisation washed over her face. Thea's eyes widened as she looked up at Lucas and then she scrambled to sit up.

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