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Fact Four: Dinosaurs often swallowed large rocks. These rocks stayed in their stomach and helped them grind up food.

The next few days pass by in a blur as each group tries to build up their routine

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The next few days pass by in a blur as each group tries to build up their routine. The start of an excavation is always a slow process, and so much paperwork has to be filled out. Usually, Bobby would take care of it all, but this time they were separated into two different groups.

Therefore, this time Lucas was the one filling out the paperwork for his group and boy, did he hate it. He was grumpy in the high heat and didn't need the pressure of having to have neat handwriting so Bobby could check over what he was doing.

Ever since he confronted him about his actions towards Thea, Bobby had made a point of keeping an eye on Lucas, and he didn't like it. So far, nothing else had occurred and every time his group glanced over to check, they all seemed to be working quietly.

Lucas didn't know whether to feel anything in regard to the recent behaviour change. He was happy they weren't taunting Thea anymore, but deep down he had wanted something to happen, only so he could keep her with his group.

His eyes sweep over to her again, this time catching her taking a sip out of the water bottles that had been provided for them all. Yesterday, Bobby handed out personalized water bottles with their names on them because he didn't want us all throwing away plastic bottles the whole time they were here.

Her hair is up in a high ponytail to keep her cool. Lucas presumes. They are the same denim shorts but in a different shade on her, along with another silk shirt. She was still separated from the rest of her group, but it appeared that she didn't seem to mind.

"Anything?" He questions those around him. He gently shakes the screen and watches the dirt sift through into the bucket underneath that was almost half full.



"Nothing, sorry Lucas." Arthur smiles gently.

Lucas nods in understanding. He knew he had to be patient. This was what always happened. You would find nothing, not even the smallest trace of anything, and then when you least expect it, you would hit the Jackpot.

"Continue with the dirt today. Tomorrow we can dig deeper."

"Thank god." Stephanie drawled while stretching out her arms and legs. Lucas watched as she peered over her husband's shoulder to watch him work for a moment before her eyes meet Lucas. "I think my eyes are going funny from seeing the same shit."

He can't help the amused laugh that escapes him. "Of course."

"Does no one else get it?" She questions as her face frowns with confusion.

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