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Fact Three: Most meat eaters walked on two feet. This made them faster and left their hands free to grab their prey. Most plant eaters walked on four to better carry their heavy bodies. Some plant eaters could balance on two feet for a short time.

For the second day in a row, the group made their way back to where Thea and Lucas had found the small bone, determination running through each of their veins

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For the second day in a row, the group made their way back to where Thea and Lucas had found the small bone, determination running through each of their veins. Energy thrummed, zapping from person to person as they kept up a brisk walk alongside some of the equipment they were bringing.

Today was the start. Set up day as Bobby called it. Lucas was driving a Quad alongside the group, the tires crawling along the cracked floor. Chatter filled the silence apart from the odd animal sound from their surroundings.

Lucas kept his eyes on only one person though, he couldn't care less for most of them, but he was curious. Thea was young, the youngest one of the group, and it was obvious she was fresh out of college. At first, he wondered why she was here, why Bobby picked her. He didn't for one moment believe what Shelly had said yesterday. That was bullshit and mean, and Lucas didn't like the low digs. This wasn't high school and Shelly was a grown woman, yet Thea seemed to possess more maturity between the two.

He watched as she slowly made her way to the back of the group, isolating herself, it seems. He knew she hadn't had a warm welcome for some reason. It annoyed him. In previous excavations, the only way to find shit is together, and how are they supposed to be a united group when they are visibly pushing out someone?

Although she might be the youngest, the newest, the rookie, she very clearly knew what she was doing. She spotted the formation change in the rocks. She knew it was bone and only asked him to lick it to confirm. She was smart, and he hoped she would be able to prove herself to the others.

"What do you think the deal is with her?" Zack asks, moving up alongside Lucas on the quad. He watches as Zack nods his head back to Thea, his blonde curly hair moving slightly every time mother nature decides to bless them with some spare air.

"What?" He asks furrowing his brows in concentration. He didn't know if his friend was asking out of friendly curiosity or if he was reading into what Shelly said yesterday. He was hoping it was the former. Lucas didn't care about petty drama.

The world had bigger problems.

"I mean, why is she being singled out so much? This hasn't happened on any other dig I've been on." Zack pauses to push his curls out of his eyes, then his head is turning until he finds his wife further ahead alongside Arthur. "Maybe they are jealous. Steph looked her up last night."

Lucas didn't want to pry. He didn't want to ask, but he couldn't help but utter, "What did she find?"

"Top of her class, great history of work experience and she wrote a thesis on none other than South Africa, like you. Maybe that is why she is here? She shares the same idea as you."

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