𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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Fact Twenty Three: Some of the biggest plant eaters had to eat as much as a ton of food a day. This is similar to eating a bus-sized pile of vegetation every day.

 This is similar to eating a bus-sized pile of vegetation every day

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Thea had found something that not one of them could identify. After staring at it for over an hour with no idea's being thrown around Lucas ordered everyone to forget about it and regroup again in the morning.

Thea's mind ticked on even after their day was over, visually she was watching herself apply a lime green nail polish to her toes that she had borrowed from Stephanie, but mentally her thoughts were surrounded by facts, rules and a world from 65 million years back.

Lucas was watching her from the bed, his back propped up against the headboard as she sat on the chair in the corner and used the bedside table she had moved as a level surface.

"Thea?" He called gently.

"Hmm," she hummed finishing her left foot before looking up and into his eyes. The blue was softened, his face relaxed as he let his sight be consumed by her.

"I'm really proud of you."

Her lips part at his admission, her heart thumping harder inside her chest. "Why?" She frowns, her eyes following him as he gets up from the bed and makes his way over towards her.

"Because, " gently he picks her up and takes a seat on the chair, placing her on his lap seconds later. She relaxed back into his chest and pulled up her right foot to continue applying the colour. "I have to keep reminding myself that you are new to all of this. This is your first excavation and you have made some incredible discoveries, that's why I'm proud of you. You are one of the best paleontologists I know." 

"I'm barely a paleontologist." She laughed awkwardly.

"That's where you are wrong. Time doesn't distinguish how good you are, time should never be used as a measure because there are always other variables."

She couldn't help but smile, he was so cute. He was also smart and extremely good looking and Thea wanted to kiss him. So turning her head and pausing her nail painting she pushes her lips against his.

The hesitation had left over the last day or so, both of them now more sure of their actions. Lucas's hand came up to cup the side of her jaw, Thea's tongue followed the seem of his lips and Lucas's teeth gently bit her bottom lip. Lips meshed over and over as tingles gently spread throughout their veins.

Reluctantly they both pulled away as the lack of oxygen had gotten to them both, Thea's eyes drooped from the intensity and Lucas's cheeks flushed with heat.

"Thank you," she breathes, "I'm proud of you as well."

A smile stretches across his face, "how come?"

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