Chapter Two: March 3rd, 1876, The Qualla Boundary, North Carolina

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Elu Aniwodi walked toward her father's hut within the village that was once her own and would soon be a place to which she could never return. She had, however, just recently and if she only had a short time left, she aimed to spend it well.

After coming home, she only recalled to her father what he needed to know of her days away, the time it took to get back to him, and he'd told her the many things that transpired within the village while she was missing. Truth be told, she wasn't missing. Not really. Although, she needn't worry her father with her many tales when they had scarce time together.

She was on her way to spend the evening with him, then the night with Unega. They were to talk about anything and everything that had passed through their minds in their days apart, laying under the stars until the sun rose in the morrow. As children, they spent many nights doing just the same, exploring one another's innermost thoughts, no matter the triviality to a few, or the depth of others.

When Elu had lost her conversations with her dearest friend, her father's guidance and her mother's love, she'd nearly gone insane. Only with the help of a kind spirit trapped with her into slavery was she able to remain somewhat whole and when she lost that connection, that new friend, it hurt less. In the days since, Elu had lost many people and she could sense her empathy, her care, fluttering away so far out of reach she dreaded she may never retain it.

So naturally, she finally journeyed home and regained her father, only to hear that by tomorrow's dawn, she and Unega would be thrown from their homes and thrust back into the fast-paced, intense world. Elu feared it may swamp Unega, change her, and vowed to remain at her side no matter the outcome. They still had the night. A night under the stars of joyous reminiscence of a time when all things were more simple.

Elu rounded the dirt pathway and found several of her tribe staring at her, alarming every hair on the nape of her neck just as she spotted her father's abode. The air left her lungs as she ground to a halt. There coming out of the entryway was a man in uniform, brandishing a badge along his belt and a rifle in his hands. Soon, the air returned to her as her father emerged from within his home and she ran to him, only to be blocked by a rather burly arm.

"Good day, ma'am. I am Sheriff Willard. I am meant to escort you to Fort Montgomery. There you will be evaluated, and then given a job." The man took off his hat as he spoke and nodded his head at her, then put it back in place. "However, if you have other means of occupation, then--"

"I do. May I say goodbye to my father first, please?" Elu felt ridiculous having to ask permission just to say her sooner than expected final farewell, but didn't want to move until the man relaxed. He stood as if she would attack him at any moment, scanning the crowd as another man emerged from her father's hut. "I will never see him again..."

"Yes, my apologies."

As the sheriff and his deputy stepped out of the way, Elu engulfed her father in a hug, whispering in a language she would never speak again the few words she could muster as her emotions overtook her sturdy, tall form. She swept her long undercut away as she took a step back and her father thrust her things toward her. Elu tied her hair back in a bun within her trusty tassel, then hurriedly took her bow, quiver, water bag and the sack full of her provisions and the many things she'd accumulated along her decade and a half journey.

Although, as she turned to leave her mind reeled with one pervading thought. Or rather, a single name.

Unega... As Elu's heart dropped to her gut, knowing her oldest friend could have been escorted elsewhere and alone in the world, a startling cry pierced the sky. Without a second thought or waiting for the sheriff and his man, she took off toward the outskirts of the territory and the source of the harrowing screams.

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