Chapter Eight: March 9th, On the Outskirts of Nashville, Tennessee

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Beth fixed her petticoat, adjusting uncomfortably in her seat and feeling someone's eyes on her. She glanced up at Elu and found her grinning. "Is something humorous to you?"

"You aren't comfortable in your new clothing, are you?" Elu flashed her a dazzling, toothy grin and she felt her face flush.

"Well, I am used to wearing less garments." After bypassing Chattanooga and having to change into mourning attire yesterday, Beth was more than ready to dress in something that gave her a more full range of motion, but knew better than that. Although, as she yanked at her collar, she felt herself suffocating the longer she wore this ridiculous garb. Not only was it all black for sake of the farce they'd carefully cultivated, but it was incredibly constricting. Especially when she was so accustomed to being able to move more freely. Why anyone would choose to wear all of this, the petticoat, the laced boots, the bonnet atop her head, was beyond her. "These feel stifling."

"Take off the coat." As the alarm she was sure covered her face made Elu laugh yet again, Beth schooled her features and sent her a speculative eyebrow. "We are inside a caravan and no one will notice. The driver will knock if he must stop and address you, so you needn't worry."

After several silent, contemplating moments, Beth unbuttoned her bodice and took a breath of relief as she sat back, hearing Elu chuckling. "You find this entirely too amusing."

"I have to when we are doing something so dangerous that also manages to be hilarious." She leaned forward, clasping her hands together in front of herself as she spoke. "You do understand that, right? The men from the other day will find us eventually and you need to prepare yourself for that event."

Beth waved her hand in the air as she spoke, fully certain they could make it to Nashville before their enemy caught up, where they would catch a train and disappear until arriving in Louisiana. "True, but for now we are fine. There is nothing to--"

Just as she spoke, the wagon hit something and jostled to a halt, wobbling from side to side. The caravan shook more fiercely and Beth was launched forward, scrambling for something to stop her descent. She grabbed onto the nearest thing, being Elu of course, and was pulled into a tight embrace until the stagecoach laid still, tipping to one side.

"You were saying?" At Elu's relatively deep, yet raspy voice rumbling against herself, Beth tried to stifle her chuckle from the warmth it caused to fill her and was helped to sit up.

After several moments in silence and Elu peeking out from behind the visor, Beth felt the driver disembark and heard him walking around outside as she sat up a bit more, trying to give her friend some space. However, she came face to face with just that person as she turned away from the window and stared wide-eyed at her. Beth was entranced by her long lashes, forgetting to breathe for a series of moments. She'd known they were full, but seeing them closer than ever not only reminded her of her Elu's beauty, but of the moment their lips brushed just a couple days prior. As she remembered how to breathe and the air flooded her lungs once again, there was a knock at the door. Elu adjusted them so that Beth sat next to her and opened the door as best as she could, covering her with her body.

"It appears one of our front wheels has come off." Beth heard Mister Greene explaining from outside of the caravan, yet Elu was plastered to her front, not letting her do anymore than peeking around her shoulder for the moment. Why is she hiding me...? "Would you be able to help me install the spare?"

"Yes." Elu turned toward Beth, then tugged on her still open clothing which was parted just enough to expose her upper chest. Elu tapped beneath her eye and Beth finally realized she was covering her up, again for the sake of continuity. "Stay here, Mrs. Brian. These things happen all the time."

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