Chapter Twelve: March 17th, 1876, Outside of Columbia, Mississippi

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Elu walked into the caboose and peeked through the bay window, finding night having fallen and pitch darkness outside aside from a light shining atop the compartment. What are you doing...? She thought as she stepped outside and onto the minuscule platform. She leaned over the railing and let out a long breath as she thought of kissing Bethany. Her lips had been so encouraging, matching every move she made, every caress of her tongue.

It was apparent to her now that Bethany shared feelings with her, perhaps even burgeoning deeper as she awaited Elu's return, but what was more obvious was that she was still so naive. Elu loved it about her, but worried it may be her end and her willingness to throw herself into any given situation was even more detrimental. In fact, that was probably the only reason she kissed her back. In all honesty, Elu hoped it was why she had and vowed to keep her lips to herself in the future. It was too dangerous to harbor such ardent feelings toward her, to top it all off with a big red bow.

She'd decided never to act on these types of feelings again, yet she found herself doing just that the longer she spent with her old friend and this love was somehow stronger than any she'd ever felt. In actuality, she wasn't sure she'd ever felt true love until she met her again. She'd known Bethany most of her life, even if not all those years were spent together, and that she was the main reason behind her even returning home after she heard rumors of the Foret Posse, but it didn't make things any easier. Knowing her only made her desire to remain at her side all the more strong.

She felt the need to protect Bethany like she couldn't Hadley, but she wasn't making that very easy. In their time together, she'd already tried leaving her behind, gone on an excursion without her and nearly been killed. Twice. Yes, she needed to learn defense and had done astonishingly well even without the training, but until Elu felt she was sufficiently taught to handle herself, the idea of letting her wander too far from her side made her heart plummet into her gut.

In fact, it was time to return to their cabin, no matter the stolid ambiance Elu knew she'd carry inside with her. As she turned to head back inside, the caboose door opened and a man stepped outside. He leaned against the door and stared at her as he crossed his arms over his chest, but his face remained hidden in the low light beneath the dip of the rim of his hat.

"Evenin', young'un."

Elu felt her eyes widen as she recalled this term and realized the man slouched to his right side. The side she'd struck with an arrow. He's like a cockroach! Reynolds!

Elu swiftly thrust her fist toward him, but he ducked and her hand slammed into the wall. As Elu cried out, the man punched her gut and sent her flying into the caboose railing. She somewhat caught herself on it, but her legs tipped back and she saw what he was about to do. The man thrust his hands forward, but she kicked his jaw, then his throat and he fell to his knees clutching his neck. As he fought to breathe, Elu regained her footing, and then jumped over his body. He caught her left trouser leg, but she braced her hands along the doorframe and as soon as her other foot was solid on the floor, she pushed back with the one in his grip. He lost his hold and her foot hit his nose, sending his head back against the railing with a loud pang.

After slumping to the floor, he fell completely still and if Elu had the time she would have pushed him off of the train entirely, but she needed to get to Bethany and fast. If Reynolds was here, Foret couldn't be far behind and he would have that terrifying woman Sadie at his side. Elu didn't want to imagine the horrific plans she had for Bethany and hurriedly got inside of the caboose. She ran through the train cars, moving around the crew and customers within the dining car, then into the sleeping quarters.

As soon as she made it into the car, Elu froze as she spotted someone with sandy blond hair walking down the corridor and peeking into each room. Foret! Before he had the chance to notice her, she ran full speed toward him and crashed into his side just as his hand reached out toward Bethany's room. Foret quickly used his momentum to turn them over and straddled Elu's hips, going for her throat. As soon as he had his hands around her neck, she spotted Bethany opening the door and stepping outside out of the corner of her eye. Momentarily distracted by her arrival, Foret turned his head toward her.

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